This note explains basic radiation physics
concepts and units of measurement, General considerations of radiation fields at
accelerators, Prompt radiation fields due to electrons, Prompt radiation Fields
due to protons and ions, Low energy prompt neutron radiation phenomena,
Shielding materials and neutron energy spectra, Induced radioactivity in
accelerator components, Induced radioactivity in environmental media and
radiation protection instrumentation at accelerators.
This note explains the basic physics of the
electromagnetic and particulate forms of ionizing radiation. Also describes the
distinctions between the units of radiation quantity, exposure and dose.
Author(s): Robert E. Reiman, MSPH,
MD, Duke University Medical Center
book covers the following topics: Photon Monte Carlo Simulation, Electron Monte
Carlo Simulation, Transport in media, interaction models, Macroscopic Radiation
physics, Photon dose calculation models, Electron dose calculation models,
onization chamber-based air kerma standards.