Programming Languages BooksProlog Books

Introduction to Prolog by Steve Harlow

Introduction to Prolog by Steve Harlow

Introduction to Prolog by Steve Harlow

This note covers the following topics:  database Prolog, Pure Prolog, Full Prolog and program examples.


s47 Pages
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Prolog Step by Step by Graeme Ritchie

This PDF covers the following topics related to Prolog : Introduction, How Do You Learn A Programming Language, Defining your own procedures, Variables, Tests, Returning results by instantiation, “Facts”, Simple tracing, Backtracking in more detail, Summary so far, Circularity and loops.

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An Introduction to Prolog Programming

An Introduction to Prolog Programming

This note covers the following topics in prolog: Facts about prolog, query in Prolog system, prolog Programs, Matching, Programming Style, Internal Representation, The Bar Notation, Appending Lists, Arithmetic Expressions in Prolog, Matching vs. Arithmetic Evaluation, Relations, Defining Operators, Backtracking, Cuts and Negation.

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Prolog implementation of a graphic tool for generation of Ada language specifications

The purpose of this note is to evaluate the suitability of Prolog in the implementation of a graphic tool for design and specification of Ada programs.

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Guide to Prolog Programming

Guide to Prolog Programming

This note provides an introduction to logic programming and PROLOG for beginners but also cover some advanced topics.

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