guide explains the following topics: Structure of OCaml Programs, Modules, Maps,
Sets, Hash Tables, Comparison of Standard Containers, Data Types and Matching,
Pointers in OCaml, Null Pointers, Asserts, and Warnings, Functional Programming,
If Statements, Loops, and Recursion, Labels, Common Error Messages, OCaml
Programming Guidelines, Formatting and Wrapping Text, 99 Problems (solved) in
OCaml, OCamlbuild, Error handling, Objects, Introduction to Gtk, Garbage
Collection, Performance and Profiling, Calling C libraries, Calling Fortran
libraries, OCaml and the Web, Standard Library Examples, Setting up OCaml
projects with OASIS, Compiling OCaml projects, Command-Line Arguments, File
manipulation, Filenames and Extensions, Streams and Stream Expressions.