Programming in C UNIX System Calls and Subroutines Using C (by A. D. Marshall)
Programming in C UNIX System Calls and Subroutines Using C (by A. D. Marshall)
Programming in C UNIX System Calls and Subroutines Using C (by A. D. Marshall)
This note covers the following topics: The Common Desktop
Environment, C/C++ Program Compilation, C Basics, Conditionals, Looping and
Iteration, Arrays and Strings, Functions, Pointers, Dynamic Memory Allocation
and Dynamic Structures, Low Level Operators and Bit Fields, The C
Preprocessor, C, UNIX and Standard Libraries, Integer Functions, Random
Number, String Conversion, Searching and Sorting, String Handling, File Access
and Directory System Calls, Interprocess Communication (IPC), PipesRemote
Procedure Calls (RPC) and Writing Larger Programs.
The contents include: Review of C and Aggregate Data Types, Building Larger
Programs, Functions,Bit Manipulation, Pointers, Binary I/O and Random Access, Designing Data Types,
Linked Lists,Software Tools, Library Functions, File Access.
Author(s): UMBC Training Centers, Columbia Gateway
This lecture note explains how to solve the following programs: sum of
individual digits of a positive integer, the roots of a quadratic equation,
programs that use both recursive and non-recursive functions, find both the
largest and smallest number in a list of integers, C program to count the lines,
words and characters in a given text, C program to generate Pascal’s triangle, a
C program which copies one file to another, C program to display contents of a
file, e C programs that uses non recursive function to search for a key value in
a given list of integers using Linear search, C programs that implements the
Selection sort method to sort a given array of integers in ascending order, C
programs that implement Queue (its operations) using singly linked list to
display a given list of integers in same order, C program to implement linear
regression algorithm, C program to implement the polynomial regression
algorithm, C program to implement the Lagrange interpolation, C program to
implement Trapezoidal method, C programs to implement Simpson method.
Author(s): Aurora’s Technological And Research
This note explains the following topics: C Language
Fundamentals such as Character set, Identifiers, keyword, data types, Constants
and variables, statements, expression, operators, precedence of operators,
Input-output, control structures, decision making and branching, Arrays,
Functions and Strings, Pointers, Structures, Unions, File handling.
Author(s): Asst. Professor Mrs Etuari Oram and Asst.
Prof. Mr Bighnaraj Naik