This note explains the
following topics: Spacing and indentation, Input and output, Branching and
looping, Arrays, Variable Types, Operators, Functions, Structures, Libraries,
Makefiles, Pointers, Dynamic Data Structures, Advanced Pointers, Strings,
Operator Precedence, Command Line Arguments, Text files, Binary Files.
lecture notes include: Introduction to Programming, Arithmetic expressions and ConditionalBranching, Loops ,Functions, Arrays , Basic Algorithms, Pointer and File
The contents include: Review of C and Aggregate Data Types, Building Larger
Programs, Functions,Bit Manipulation, Pointers, Binary I/O and Random Access, Designing Data Types,
Linked Lists,Software Tools, Library Functions, File Access.
Author(s): UMBC Training Centers, Columbia Gateway
This note explains the
following topics: Spacing and indentation, Input and output, Branching and
looping, Arrays, Variable Types, Operators, Functions, Structures, Libraries,
Makefiles, Pointers, Dynamic Data Structures, Advanced Pointers, Strings,
Operator Precedence, Command Line Arguments, Text files, Binary Files.
This note explains the following topics: C Language
Fundamentals such as Character set, Identifiers, keyword, data types, Constants
and variables, statements, expression, operators, precedence of operators,
Input-output, control structures, decision making and branching, Arrays,
Functions and Strings, Pointers, Structures, Unions, File handling.
Author(s): Asst. Professor Mrs Etuari Oram and Asst.
Prof. Mr Bighnaraj Naik
This is a
reference manual for the C programming language as implemented by the GNU
Compiler Collection (GCC). Topics covered includes: Lexical Elements, Data
Types, Expressions and Operators, Functions, Program Structure and Scope.