Programming Languages BooksRust Books

The Rust Reference

The Rust Reference

The Rust Reference

This page covers the following topics related to Rust programming language : Introduction, Notation, Lexical structure, Macros, Crates and source files, Conditional compilation, Items, Attributes, Statements and expressions, Expressions, Patterns, Type system, Special types and traits, Names,  Memory model, Linkage, Inline assembly, Unsafety, Constant Evaluation, Application Binary Interface, The Rust runtime.


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The Rust Programming Language

The Rust Programming Language

The Rust programming language helps you write faster, more reliable software. High-level ergonomics and low-level control are often at odds in programming language design; Rust challenges that conflict. This page covers the following topics related to Rust programming language : Introduction, Getting Started, Programming a Guessing Game, Common Programming Concepts, Understanding Ownership, Using Structs to Structure Related Data, Enums and Pattern Matching, Managing Growing Projects with Packages, Crates, and Modules, Common Collections, Error Handling, Generic Types, Traits, and Lifetimes, Writing Automated Tests, An I/O Project: Building a Command Line Program, Functional Language Features: Iterators and Closures, More about Cargo and, Smart Pointers, Fearless Concurrency, Object Oriented Programming Features of Rust, Patterns and Matching, Advanced Features, Final Project: Building a Multithreaded Web Server.

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The Rust Reference

The Rust Reference

This page covers the following topics related to Rust programming language : Introduction, Notation, Lexical structure, Macros, Crates and source files, Conditional compilation, Items, Attributes, Statements and expressions, Expressions, Patterns, Type system, Special types and traits, Names,  Memory model, Linkage, Inline assembly, Unsafety, Constant Evaluation, Application Binary Interface, The Rust runtime.

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