Chemistry BooksEnvironmental Chemistry Books

Atmospheric Chemistry Lecture Notes

Atmospheric Chemistry Lecture Notes

Atmospheric Chemistry Lecture Notes

This note provides a detailed overview of the chemical transformations that control the abundances of key trace species in the Earth's atmosphere. This note covers the following topics: photochemistry, kinetics, and thermodynamics important to the chemistry of the atmosphere, stratospheric ozone depletion, oxidation chemistry of the troposphere, photochemical smog, aerosol chemistry, and sources and sinks of greenhouse gases and other climate forcers.


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Atmospheric Chemistry Lecture Notes

Atmospheric Chemistry Lecture Notes

This note provides a detailed overview of the chemical transformations that control the abundances of key trace species in the Earth's atmosphere. This note covers the following topics: photochemistry, kinetics, and thermodynamics important to the chemistry of the atmosphere, stratospheric ozone depletion, oxidation chemistry of the troposphere, photochemical smog, aerosol chemistry, and sources and sinks of greenhouse gases and other climate forcers.

sNA Pages