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Agricultural Chemistry Books

Agricultural Chemistry Books

There are many online resources where you can find free Agricultural Chemistry books to download in PDF format, including online textbooks, ebooks, lecture notes, and more, covering basic, beginner, and advanced concepts for those looking for an introduction to the subject or a deeper understanding of it.

Principles and practices of agricultural analysis

This book explains the following topics: General Analytical Processes, Analysis of Mineral Phosphates, General Methods for Phosphoric Acid, The Citrate Method,Volumetric Determination of Phosphoric Acid, Titration of the Yellow Precipitate, Chemistry of the Manufacture of Superphosphates.


s NAPages

Practical Manual Agriculture Chemistry

This note covers the following topics: Collection and processing of soil for analysis,Study of soil profile and Its characteristics, Study of soil forming rocks, Study of soil forming minerals, Determination of densities of soil, Determination of moisture content from soil and plant, Determination of maximum water holding capacity of soil, Determination of hydraulic conductivity of soil, Determination of texture of soil, Measurement of soil temperature and calculation of soil heat flux, Determination of EC and pH of soil ,  Determination of cation exchange capacity of soil, Estimation of organic carbon content in soil.


s 436Pages

Manures, Fertilizers and Agricultural Chemicals

The contents of these notes include : Introduction, Bulky organic manures, Losses of nutrients from FYM during collection and storage, Losses of nutrients from FYM during collection and storage, Methods of preparation of rural and urban compost, Green manures, Definitions of Penning, Sewage, Sullage, Sludge and Poudrette, Concentrated organic manures, Biogas plant, Commercial fertilizers, Manufacturing process and properties of major nitrogenous fertilizers, Phosphatic fertilizers, Potassic fertilizers, Complex fertilizers, Preparation and properties of Ammonium sulphate nitrate, Mixed fertilizers and amendments, Secondary and micronutrient fertilizers, Fertilizer Control Order, etc.


s 142Pages

Introduction to Soil Science Lecture Notes

The objective of this note is to give you a fundamental knowledge of soil science. Topics covered includes: Soil Components, Soil Classification, Soil Components, Soil Biology and Nutrients, Soil Management.


s NAPages

Soil Chemistry Course Notes

This note covers the following topics: Soil- A Three Phase System, The Solid Phase- Surfaces In Soil and Their Reactivity, The Solution Phase Review of Solution Phase Chemistry and Discussion of Solutions in The Soil Matrix, Interaction Between Solid and Solution Phase- General Solubility Relationships, Carbonate Equilibria and Solubility, Cation Exchange Reactions in Colloidal Systems, Soil Buffering and Soil pH Redox Reactions in Soil Systems.


s NAPages

Elements of Scientific Agriculture

This note covers the following topics: Organic elements of plants, inorganis parts of plants, sources of the organic food of plants, The organic substances of plants, The Soil, Manures, composition of different crops, Application of the crops in feeding, Milk and diary products, recapitulation.


s NAPages

Agricultural Chemistry by Margarita Stoytcheva and Roumen Zlatev

This book is a collection of ten original research articles and reports, associated with selected topics in agricultural chemistry. The discussed issues are organized in four sections: Classification and labeling of active substances in plant protection products, Environmental and stress plant physiology and behavior, Antimicrobial and antioxidant potential of plant extracts, and Pollutants analysis and effects.


s 210Pages

Organic agricultural chemistry; a textbook of general agricultural chemistry or elementary bio chemistry for use in colleges, by Joseph Scudder Chamberlain

Agricultural chemistry is a subject presenting two quite distinct lines of study. The study of soils and fertilizers, including the relation of the plant to its soil food, is almost wholly inorganic and physical. On the other hand, the study of plants and animals as living organisms is as distinctly organic and physiological, embracing the greater part of what is termed Biochemistry. This has led the author to prepare one part of a textbook of General Agricultural Chemistry with this distinction in view, and to designate it as Organic Agricultural Chemistry The Chemistry of Plants and Animals.


s 324Pages

Elements of Agricultural Chemistry

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s NAPages

Vegetable Management

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Soil amp; Nutrients

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Agriculture and forestry

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Soil Survey Manual

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Chemistry by Design (PDF 84P)

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Agroecology and the Search for a Truly Sustainable Agriculture (PDF 291)

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Near Infrared Spectroscopy An Overview (PDF slides 35P)

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s NAPages