This course is
designed to ensure that all the students regardless of their educational
backgrounds are competent in necessary laboratory skills. These skills include
but are not limited to the use of an analytical balance, volumetric glassware,
various pipettes, performing titrimetric and spectrophotometric determinations
and learning the proper use and calibration of microscopes and centrifuges. The
content of this pdf are : Inorganic Chemistry Lab, Introduction Lab Techniques:
Inorganic Chemistry, Identification of Anions, Identification of Cations,
Organic Chemistry Lab, Introduction Lab Techniques: Organic Chemistry,
Separation Techniques, Qualitative Analysis, Physical Chemistry Lab,
Introduction Lab Techniques: Physical Chemistry, Determination of Surface
Tension, Determination of Viscosity, Ph Measurement, Thermochemistry.
Author(s): School
of Sciences, Department of Chemistry, Uttarakhand Open University
This source supplies a
systematic process for teaching laboratory chemistry in the context of natural
sciences education. The source touches on the basic ingredients of scientific
writing, which range from literature review, problem statement, methods,
results, discussion, and conclusions. In addition to this, the source focuses on
the role of the teacher when guiding students through the process of scientific
inquiry. The text offers a structure for teaching the way procedures are
conducted in a laboratory, drawing conclusions based on the results gotten in a
laboratory, and critically reading data. It is very useful to instructors as
well because it gives them insight to develop effective teaching strategies for
chemistry laboratory experiments and the enhancement of students' learning
text from MIT provides the student with in-depth explanations of the following
essential laboratory techniques in chemistry. These include transfer and
extraction techniques, purification of both solids (recrystallization) and
liquids (distillation), advanced methods including flash column chromatography
and protein assays. The book also addresses issues on the design of experiments
and the importance of error analysis and reproducibility. It is designed with
both students and professionals in mind and guides on the setup of experiments,
handling equipment, and result analysis. It puts so much emphasis on acquiring a
sound laboratory practice through safe and accurate techniques. This book is
very beneficial to any person who aims at sharpening their practice of the
laboratory and skills on chemical techniques.