Introduction to Physical Oceanography by Robert H. Stewart
Introduction to Physical Oceanography by Robert H. Stewart
Introduction to Physical Oceanography by Robert H. Stewart
This PDF book covers the
following topics related to Physical Oceanography : A Voyage of Discovery, The
Historical Setting, Atmospheric Influences, The Oceanic Heat Budget,
Temperature, Salinity, and Density, The Equations of Motion, Equations of Motion
With Viscosity, Response of the Upper Ocean to Winds, Geostrophic Currents, Wind
Driven Ocean Circulation, Vorticity in the Ocean, Deep Circulation in the Ocean,
Equatorial Processes, Numerical Models, Ocean Waves, Coastal Processes and
Author(s): Robert H. Stewart,
Department of Oceanography, Texas A and M University
This PDF book covers the
following topics related to Physical Oceanography : A Voyage of Discovery, The
Historical Setting, Atmospheric Influences, The Oceanic Heat Budget,
Temperature, Salinity, and Density, The Equations of Motion, Equations of Motion
With Viscosity, Response of the Upper Ocean to Winds, Geostrophic Currents, Wind
Driven Ocean Circulation, Vorticity in the Ocean, Deep Circulation in the Ocean,
Equatorial Processes, Numerical Models, Ocean Waves, Coastal Processes and
Author(s): Robert H. Stewart,
Department of Oceanography, Texas A and M University
This note covers the following
topics: Properties of water and seawater, Major ions of seawater, Chemical
Equilibrium, Activity scales and activity corrections, s balance - the
cornerstone of chemical oceanography, Biological production, Respiration,
Biolimiting elements, Gas exchange, Acids and bases, Ocean carbonate system,
Particle flux, The redox sequence and sediment diagenesis, Isotope geochemistry,
Radiocarbon and ocean age.
lecture note provides an introduction to basic ideas of geophysical wave motion
in rotating, stratified, and rotating-stratified fluids. Subject begins with
general wave concepts of phase and group velocity. It also covers the dynamics
and kinematics of gravity waves with a focus on dispersion, energy flux, initial
value problems, etc.