Electronics Engineering BooksLogic Circuits Books

CAD of Digital Circuits and Systems

CAD of Digital Circuits and Systems

CAD of Digital Circuits and Systems

This note covers the following topics: Exact and Heuristic Two-Level Logic Minimization, Multi-Level Logic Synthesis - Algebraic Techniques, Boolean Decomposition, Delay Optimization, Sequential Logic Optimization, Technology Mapping, New Directions in Logic Synthesis.


sNA Pages
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SwitchingTheory and Logic Circuits

SwitchingTheory and Logic Circuits

This note describes the following topics: Complements, Codes, Boolean algebra and logic gates and K map.

s159 Pages
CAD of Digital Circuits and Systems

CAD of Digital Circuits and Systems

This note covers the following topics: Exact and Heuristic Two-Level Logic Minimization, Multi-Level Logic Synthesis - Algebraic Techniques, Boolean Decomposition, Delay Optimization, Sequential Logic Optimization, Technology Mapping, New Directions in Logic Synthesis.

sNA Pages
Digital Logic Circuits Lecture (PDF 19P)

Digital Logic Circuits Lecture (PDF 19P)

This note covers the following topics: Digital Systems, Number Systems and Codes, Boolean Algebra and Switching Functions, Representations of Logic Functions, Combinational Logic Design, Combinational Logic Minimization, Timing Issues, Common Combinational Logic Circuits, Latches and Flip-Flops, Synchronous Sequential Circuit Analysis, Synchronous Sequential Circuit Design, Optimization of Synchronous Sequential Circuits, Register Design and PSIM Design.

s19 Pages
Electromagnetic Emission From Logic Ciruits (PDF 46p)

Electromagnetic Emission From Logic Ciruits (PDF 46p)

We are working on the detailed description of this book, we will update this section soon.

sNA Pages