This online book covers the following
topics related to Circuit Theory : Introduction, Circuit Basics, Transistors,
Circuit Analysis, Steady State Response, Circuit Analysis Tips and Tricks,
Transient Response, State Variables, Filters, Control, Power.
This lecture note explains the following topics: DC Circuits, Ac Circuits, 3 Phase AC
Circuits, Transient Response Analysis, Resonance and Coupled Circuits.
Author(s): Sathyabama Institute of Science and
This online book covers the following
topics related to Circuit Theory : Introduction, Circuit Basics, Transistors,
Circuit Analysis, Steady State Response, Circuit Analysis Tips and Tricks,
Transient Response, State Variables, Filters, Control, Power.
This note describes
the following topics: Three phase circuits, D.C and A.C Transient Analysis, Two
port network parameters and Magnetic Circuits, Fourier Theorem, Filters And
Digital Simulation Of Circuits.
This note introduces the
fundamentals of the lumped circuit abstraction. Topics covered includes:
resistive elements and networks; independent and dependent sources, switches and
MOS transistors, digital abstraction, amplifiers, energy storage elements;
dynamics of first- and second-order networks, design in the time and frequency
domains; and analog and digital circuits and applications.