Electronics Engineering BooksLogic Design Books

Lecture Notes On Digital Logic Design by Sheeba

Lecture Notes On Digital Logic Design by Sheeba

Lecture Notes On Digital Logic Design by Sheeba

This note covers the following topics: Binary Systems, Analog Vs Digital, Digital Systems, Binary numbers, Number base conversions, Compliments, Octal and Hexadecimal Numbers, Signed Binary Numbers, nary logic, Boolean Algebra and Gate Level Minimization, Design of Combinational Circuit, Design of Sequential Circuits, Memory.


s66 Pages
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This note covers the following topics: Boolean Algebra, Algebraic Laws, Minimization and Minterms, Applied to Previous Map, RS Characteristics, D Flip-Flop, CMOS Logic Elements, CMOS Tri-state Buffers CMOS Tri-state Buffers, Logic Design, Quine-McClusky, Clocked D-Flip Flop Characteristics.

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sNA Pages