This note explains the following topics: Euclidean geometry,
Geometry in Greek astronomy, Constructions using a compass and straightedge,
Geometers sketchpad, Higher dimensional objects, Hyperbolic geometry, The
poincare models of hyperbolic geometry, Tilings and lattices, Foundations,
Spherical geometry, Projective geometry, The pseudosphere in lorentz space,
Finite geometries, Nonconstructibility, Modern research in geometry , A
selective time line of mathematics.
This note explains the following topics: Euclidean geometry,
Geometry in Greek astronomy, Constructions using a compass and straightedge,
Geometers sketchpad, Higher dimensional objects, Hyperbolic geometry, The
poincare models of hyperbolic geometry, Tilings and lattices, Foundations,
Spherical geometry, Projective geometry, The pseudosphere in lorentz space,
Finite geometries, Nonconstructibility, Modern research in geometry , A
selective time line of mathematics.
This note covers the following
topics: The classical theorem of Ceva, Ceva, Menelaus and Selftransversality,
The general transversality theorem, The theorems of Hoehn and Pratt-Kasapi,
Circular products of ratios involving circles, Circle transversality theorems, A
basic lemma and some applications, Affinely Regular Polygons, Linear
transformations; smoothing vectors, Affine-Regular Components, The general
Napoleon's Theorem, The iteration of smoothing operations.
This is a course note on Euclidean and
non-Euclidean geometries with emphasis on (i) the contrast between the
traditional and modern approaches to geometry, and (ii) the history and role of
the parallel postulate. This course will be useful to students who want to teach
and use Euclidean geometry, to students who want to learn more about the history
of geometry, and to students who want an introduction to non-Euclidean