Mathematics Books Applied Mathematics Books

Derivations of Applied Mathematics

Derivations of Applied Mathematics

Derivations of Applied Mathematics

Derivations of Applied Mathematics is a book of applied mathematical proofs. This book covers the following topics in applied mathematics: Classical algebra and geometry, Trigonometry, derivative, The complex exponential, Primes, roots and averages, Taylor series, Integration techniques, Matrices and vectors, Transforms and special functions.


s664 Pages
Similar Books
Pure     and Applied Mathematics

Pure and Applied Mathematics

This note covers introduction to pure mathematics, Number theory, Functions and relations, Graph theory and group theory.

s126 Pages
Applied Mathematics by CBSE

Applied Mathematics by CBSE

This PDF Lecture covers the following topics related to Applied Mathematics : Number Theory, Prime Number Ratio, Proportion and Logarithms, Interpretatlysis of Data, Commercial Mathematics, Set Theory Unit 6: Relation and Function, Algebra Complex Number, Sequence and Series, Permutations and Combinations, Trigonometry.

s148 Pages
Mathematics for Computer Scientists

Mathematics for Computer Scientists

This note covers the following topics: Types and sets, Basic logic, Classical tautologies, Natural numbers, Primitive recursion, Inductive types, Predicates and relations, Subset and Quotients, Functions.

s71 Pages
Selected Topics in Applied Mathematics

Selected Topics in Applied Mathematics

These are notes on various topics in applied mathematics.Major topics covered are: Differential Equations, Qualitative Analysis of ODEs, The Trans-Atlantic Cable, The Laplace Transform and the Ozone Layer, The Finite Fourier Transform, Transmission and Remote Sensing, Properties of the Fourier Transform, Transmission Tomography,The ART and MART, Vectors,A Brief History of Electromagnetism, Changing Variables in Multiple Integrals, Kepler’s Laws of Planetary Motion, Green’s Theorem, Complex Analysis, The Quest for Invisibility, Calculus of Variations, Bessel’s Equations, Hermite’s Equations and Quantum Mechanics.

s330 Pages
Applied Finite Mathematics

Applied Finite Mathematics

This book explains the following topics: Linear Equations, Matrices, Linear Programming, Mathematics of Finance, Sets and Counting, Probability, Markov Chains, Game Theory.

sNA Pages
Methods of Applied Mathematics Lecture Notes

Methods of Applied Mathematics Lecture Notes

This note explains the following topics: Linear Algebra, Fourier series, Fourier transforms, Complex integration, Distributions, Bounded Operators, Densely Defined Closed Operators, Normal operators, Calculus of Variations, Perturbation theory.

s143 Pages
Methods of Applied Mathematics

Methods of Applied Mathematics

This note covers the following topics: Fourier Transforms, Applications of Fourier Transforms, Curvilinear Co-ordinates, Random variable and Mathematical Expectation, Moments and Moment generating functions, Theoretical Discrete Distributions, Theoretical Continuous Distributions, Multiple and partial Correlation.

s207 Pages
Handbook   of mathematics for engineers

Handbook of mathematics for engineers

This Handbook of Mathematics is designed to contain, in compact form, accurate statements of those facts and formulas of pure mathematics which are most likely to be useful to the worker in applied mathematics. Many topics of an elementary character are presented in a form which permits of immediate utilization even by readers who have had no previous acquaintance with the subject; for example, the practical use of logarithms and logarithmic cross-section paper, and the elementary parts of the modern method of nomography (alignment charts), can be learned from this book without the necessity of consulting separate treatises.

s212 Pages
Applied Mathematics Methods and Models

Applied Mathematics Methods and Models

This book covers the following topics in applied mathematics: Dimensional Analysis, Scaling and Similarity, Calculus of Variations, Sturm-Liouville Eigenvalue Problems and Stochastic Processes.

sNA Pages
Linear Methods of Applied Mathematics

Linear Methods of Applied Mathematics

This text concentrates on mathematical concepts rather than on details of calculations, which are often done with software, such as Maple or Mathematica. The book is targeted at engineering students who have had two years of calculus, introductory linear algebra, and introductory ordinary differential equations.

sNA Pages
Applied Mathematics Lecture Notes

Applied Mathematics Lecture Notes

This book covers the following topics in applied mathematics: Linear Algebraic Systems, Vector Spaces and Bases, Inner Products and Norms, Minimization and Least Squares Approximation, Orthogonality, Equilibrium, Linearity, Eigenvalues, Linear Dynamical Systems, Iteration of Linear Systems, Boundary Value Problems in One Dimension, Fourier Series, Fourier Analysis, Vibration and Diffusion in One-Dimensional Media, The Laplace Equation, Complex Analysis, Dynamics of Planar Media, Partial Differential Equations in Space, Nonlinear Systems, Nonlinear Ordinary Differential Equations, The Calculus of Variations and Nonlinear Partial Differential Equations.

sNA Pages
Techniques in Applied Mathematics

Techniques in Applied Mathematics

This course note develops mathematical techniques which are useful in solving `real-world' problems involving differential equations, and is a development of ideas which arise in the second year differential equations course. This note embraces the ethos of mathematical modelling, and aims to show in a practical way how equations `work', and what kinds of solution behaviours can occur.

sNA Pages
Applied Mathematics

Applied Mathematics

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sNA Pages
Papers on Combinatorial Enumeration and Asymptotics

Papers on Combinatorial Enumeration and Asymptotics

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sNA Pages
Hyperplane Arrangements

Hyperplane Arrangements

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sNA Pages
Introduction to Statistical Signal Processing

Introduction to Statistical Signal Processing

Currently this section contains no detailed description for the page, will update this page soon.

sNA Pages