This book covers the following topics: The
Exponential Function, Exponentials and Logarithms, Exponential Models,
Recursion, Recursive Models, Investigating Recursive Models, The Derivative,
Discovering the Derivative, The Derivative at a Point, The Derivative of a
Function, Computing the Derivative, The Power Rule, Linearity, Products and
Quotients, Exponentials and Logarithms, The Chain Rule, Interpreting and
Using the Derivative, Curve Sketching, Newton’s Method, The Chain Rule
Revisited, Marginals, Linear Optimization, Simple Examples, More
Complicated, Shadow Prices Lagrange Multipliers, The Integral,
Antiderivatives, The Definite Integral, Riemann Sums, Interpreting and Using
the Integral, Anti Rates, Area, Probability, Quantities in Economics, Matrix
Algebra, Matrix Arithmetic, Applications of Matrix Algebra, Linear
Equations, Equations and Solutions, Matrix Inverse, Applications of Linear
Equations, Partial Derivatives, Partial derivatives, Higher Order
Derivatives, The Chain Rule, Non Linear Optimization, The First Derivative
Test, Lagrange Multipliers, Fitting a Model to Data, Spread sheet Formulas,
Function Values, Recursion Calculations and Matrix Calculations.
This note covers boundary value
problems in one dimension, Fourier series,Fourier analysis,
Vibration and diffusion in one dimensional media, The planar laplace equation,
Complex analysis, Dynamics of planar media, Partial differential equations in
space, Nonlinear systems, Nonlinear ordinary differential
equations, The calculus of variations, Nonlinear partial differential
This book covers the following topics: The
Exponential Function, Exponentials and Logarithms, Exponential Models,
Recursion, Recursive Models, Investigating Recursive Models, The Derivative,
Discovering the Derivative, The Derivative at a Point, The Derivative of a
Function, Computing the Derivative, The Power Rule, Linearity, Products and
Quotients, Exponentials and Logarithms, The Chain Rule, Interpreting and
Using the Derivative, Curve Sketching, Newton’s Method, The Chain Rule
Revisited, Marginals, Linear Optimization, Simple Examples, More
Complicated, Shadow Prices Lagrange Multipliers, The Integral,
Antiderivatives, The Definite Integral, Riemann Sums, Interpreting and Using
the Integral, Anti Rates, Area, Probability, Quantities in Economics, Matrix
Algebra, Matrix Arithmetic, Applications of Matrix Algebra, Linear
Equations, Equations and Solutions, Matrix Inverse, Applications of Linear
Equations, Partial Derivatives, Partial derivatives, Higher Order
Derivatives, The Chain Rule, Non Linear Optimization, The First Derivative
Test, Lagrange Multipliers, Fitting a Model to Data, Spread sheet Formulas,
Function Values, Recursion Calculations and Matrix Calculations.
This PDF Lecture covers the following
topics related to Applied Mathematics : Number Theory, Prime Number Ratio,
Proportion and Logarithms, Interpretatlysis of Data, Commercial Mathematics,
Set Theory Unit 6: Relation and Function, Algebra Complex Number, Sequence
and Series, Permutations and Combinations, Trigonometry.
This PDF Lecture covers the
following topics related to Applied Mathematics : Introduction - What is
Applied Mathematics, Dimensional Analysis and Scaling, Asymptotic analysis,
Perturbation Methods, Asymptotic Expansion of Integrals, Functional Analysis
- A Crash Course, Calculus of Variations, Orthogonal Expansions, Sturm Liouville
This note explains the following topics: Mathematics in Design,
Mathematics and Measurements, Statistics and Probability, Differential and
Integral Calculus, Trigonometry.
Author(s): Sathyabama Institute of Science and
note covers the following topics: Types and sets, Basic logic, Classical tautologies, Natural numbers,
Primitive recursion, Inductive types, Predicates and relations, Subset and
Quotients, Functions.