This page covers the
following topics related to Discrete Mathematics : Logic and Sets, Relations and
Functions, the Natural Numbers, Division and Factorization , Languages, Finite
State Machines, Finite State Automata, Turing Machines, Groups and Modulo
Arithmetic, Introduction to Coding Theory, Group Codes, Public Key Cryptography,
Principle of Inclusion-exclusion, Generating Functions, Number of Solutions of a
Linear Equation, Recurrence Relations, Graphs, Weighted Graphs, Search
Algorithms, Digraphs.
note explains the following topics: introduction to preliminaries, Counting, Sequences, Symbolic logic
and proofs, Graph theory, Additional topics.
This note explains the following topics related to Discrete
Mathematics : Mathematical Logic, Relations, Algebraic structures,
Elementary Combinatorics, Recurrence Relation, Graph Theory.
Author(s): Malla Reddy College Of Engineering
and Technology
This PDF covers the following topics related to Discrete
Mathematics : Introduction, Sets, Functions, Counting, Relations, Sequences,
Modular Arithmetic, Asymptotic Notation, Orders.
Author(s): Andrew D. Ker, Oxford University Computing
This PDF covers the following
topics related to Discrete Mathematics : Introduction, Propositional Logic,
Sets, and Induction, Relations, Functions, Counting, Sequences, Graphs and
trees, A glimpse of infinity.
This book covers the following topics: Discrete
Systems,Sets, Logic, Counting, Discrete Probability, Algorithms, Quantified
Statements, Direct Proof, Proofs Involving Sets, Proving Non-Conditional
Statements, Cardinality of Sets, Complexity of Algorithms.
The aim of this note is to introduce fundamental concepts and
techniques in set theory in preparation for its many applications in computer science. Topics covered includes: Mathematical
argument, Sets and Logic, Relations and functions, Constructions on
sets, Well-founded induction.
This note
explains the following topics: Induction and Recursion, Steiner’s Problem,
Boolean Algebra, Set Theory, Arithmetic, Principles of Counting, Graph Theory.