Group Theory can be viewed as the
mathematical theory that deals with symmetry, where symmetry has a very general
meaning. This PDF book covers the following topics related to Group Theory :
Introduction, Definitions and basic properties, Direct products and abelian
groups, Composition series and solvable groups, Permutation groups and group
actions, Finite groups and Sylow Theory, Semidirect products and groups of order
less than 15.
This note explains the following topics: mapping, Basic
algebra, Modular arithmetic, Groups, Cosets and Lagranges theorem, Isomorphisms
and quotient group, The permutation group Sn, Finite abelian groups, Group
actions, Group solvability and the semi direct product.
This note describes
the following topics: Abstract Group Theory, Theory of Group Representations,
Group Theory in Quantum Mechanics, Lie Groups, Atomic Physics, The Group SU2:
Isospin, The Point Groups, The Group SU3.
Group Theory can be viewed as the
mathematical theory that deals with symmetry, where symmetry has a very general
meaning. This PDF book covers the following topics related to Group Theory :
Introduction, Definitions and basic properties, Direct products and abelian
groups, Composition series and solvable groups, Permutation groups and group
actions, Finite groups and Sylow Theory, Semidirect products and groups of order
less than 15.
This note explains the following
topics: Simple groups, Examples of groups, Group actions, Sylow’s Theorem, Group
extensions, Soluble and nilpotent groups, Symmetric and alternating groups,
Linear groups.