The goal of computational
mathematics, put simply, is to find or develop algorithms that solve
mathematical problems computationally. Topics covered includes: Errors and Error
Propagation, Root Finding, Interpolation, Integration, Discrete Fourier Methods
and Numerical Linear Algebra.
Author(s): H. De Sterck, P. Ullrich, Department of
Applied Mathematics, University of Waterloo
This lecture
note explains the following topics: This Numerical Methods for ODEs,
Discretizations for ODEs, The Runge-Kutta Methods, Linear Multistep Methods,
Numerical Methods for PDEs, Tools of Functional Analysis, The Ritz-Galerkin
Method, FDM for Time-Dependent PDES, Finite Difference Methods for Elliptic
Equations, Computational Projects.
The goal of computational
mathematics, put simply, is to find or develop algorithms that solve
mathematical problems computationally. Topics covered includes: Errors and Error
Propagation, Root Finding, Interpolation, Integration, Discrete Fourier Methods
and Numerical Linear Algebra.
Author(s): H. De Sterck, P. Ullrich, Department of
Applied Mathematics, University of Waterloo