Mathematics Books Geometry BooksArithmetic Geometry Books

Introduction to Arithmetic Geometry by Andrew V. Sutherland

Introduction to Arithmetic Geometry by Andrew V. Sutherland

Introduction to Arithmetic Geometry by Andrew V. Sutherland

This note explains the following topics: Diophantine equations , Algebraic curves, The projective plane , Genus, Birational equivalence, The elliptic curve group law , Rational points on elliptic curves, The Sato-Tate conjecture, The Birch and Swinnerton-Dyer conjecture, Fermat’s Last Theorem, Jacobians of curves.


s36 Pages
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Investigations in Two Dimensional Arithmetic Geometry

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Orientation Theory in Arithmetic Geometry

Orientation Theory in Arithmetic Geometry

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Arithmetic Geometry Lecture Notes

Arithmetic Geometry Lecture Notes

This lecture note explains everything about Arithmetic Geometry.

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