Lecture Notes on Numerical Analysis of Nonlinear Equations
Lecture Notes on Numerical Analysis of Nonlinear Equations
Lecture Notes on Numerical Analysis of Nonlinear Equations
This book
covers the following topics: The Implicit Function Theorem, A Predator-Prey
Model, The Gelfand-Bratu Problem, Numerical Continuation, Following Folds,
Numerical Treatment of Bifurcations, Examples of Bifurcations, Boundary Value
Problems, Orthogonal Collocation , Hopf Bifurcation and Periodic Solutions,
Computing Periodic Solutions, Periodic Orbit Folds , Stable and Unstable
This PDF covers the following topics related to
Numerical Analysis : Series and Sequences, Integrals as Sums and Derivatives
as Differences, Interpolation, Nonlinear Equations, Methods for Ordinary
Differential Equations, Fourier Analysis, Spectral Interpolation,
Differentiation, Quadrature.
Author(s): Prof. Laurent Demanet, Massachusetts
Institute of Technology
This book
covers the following topics: The Implicit Function Theorem, A Predator-Prey
Model, The Gelfand-Bratu Problem, Numerical Continuation, Following Folds,
Numerical Treatment of Bifurcations, Examples of Bifurcations, Boundary Value
Problems, Orthogonal Collocation , Hopf Bifurcation and Periodic Solutions,
Computing Periodic Solutions, Periodic Orbit Folds , Stable and Unstable
This note explains the
following topics: IEEE Arithmetic, Root Finding, Systems of equations,
Least-squares approximation, Interpolation, Integration and Ordinary
differential equations.
This note explains the following topics: finite difference method
for the Laplacian, Linear algebraic solve, Finite element methods for elliptic
equation and Time-dependent problem.