Mathematics Books Differential Equations Books

Ordinary Differential Equation by Alexander Grigorian

Ordinary Differential Equation by Alexander Grigorian

Ordinary Differential Equation by Alexander Grigorian

This note covers the following topics: Notion of ODEs, Linear ODE of 1st order, Second order ODE, Existence and uniqueness theorems, Linear equations and systems, Qualitative analysis of ODEs, Space of solutions of homogeneous systems, Wronskian and the Liouville formula.


s133 Pages
Similar Books
Differential Equations by MIT

Differential Equations by MIT

This book explains the following topics: IFirst-order differential equations, Direction fields, existence and uniqueness of solutions, Numerical methods, Linear equations, models, Complex numbers, roots of unity, Second-order linear equations, Modes and the characteristic polynomial, Good vibrations, damping conditions, Exponential response formula, spring drive, Complex gain, dashpot drive, Operators, undetermined coefficients, resonance, Frequency response, LTI systems, superposition, RLC circuits, Engineering applications, Fourier series, Operations on fourier series , Periodic solutions; resonance, Step functions and delta functions, Step response, impulse response, Convolution, First order systems, Linear systems and matrice, Eigenvalues, eigenvectors, etc.

sNA Pages
Elementary Differential Equations

Elementary Differential Equations

This note covers the following topics: First Order Equations, Numerical Methods, Applications of First Order Equations, Linear Second Order Equations, Applcations of Linear Second Order Equations, Series Solutions of Linear Second Order Equations, Laplace Transforms, Linear Higher Order Equations.

s663 Pages
Ordinary Differential Equations For Engineers

Ordinary Differential Equations For Engineers

This note describes the following topics: First Order Differential Equations, N-th Order Differential Equations, Linear Differential Equations, Laplace Transforms, Inverse Laplace Transform, Systems Of Linear Differential Equations, Series Solution Of Linear Differential Equations.

s147 Pages
A First Course in Elementary Differential Equations

A First Course in Elementary Differential Equations

This note covers the following topics: Qualitative Analysis, Existence and Uniqueness of Solutions to First Order Linear IVP, Solving First Order Linear Homogeneous DE, Solving First Order Linear Non Homogeneous DE: The Method of Integrating Factor, Modeling with First Order Linear Differential Equations, Additional Applications: Mixing Problems and Cooling Problems, Separable Differential Equations, Exact Differential Equations, Substitution Techniques: Bernoulli and Ricatti Equations, Applications of First Order Nonlinear Equations, One-Dimensional Dynamics, Second Order Linear Differential Equations, The General Solution of Homogeneous Equations, Existence of Many Fundamental Sets, Second Order Linear Homogeneous Equations with Constant, Coefficients, Characteristic Equations with Repeated Roots, The Method of Undetermined Coefficients, Applications of Nonhomogeneous Second Order Linear Differential Equations.

s213 Pages
Lectures   on Partial Differential Equations

Lectures on Partial Differential Equations

This note explains the following topics: The translation equation, The wave equation, The diffusion equation, The Laplace equation, The Schrodinger equation, Diffusion and equilibrium, Fourier series, Fourier transforms, Gradient and divergence, Spherical harmonics.

s123 Pages
Differential Equations by Paul Selick

Differential Equations by Paul Selick

This note describes the following topics: First Order Ordinary Differential Equations, Applications and Examples of First Order ode’s, Linear Differential Equations, Second Order Linear Equations, Applications of Second Order Differential Equations, Higher Order Linear Differential Equations, Power Series Solutions to Linear Differential Equations, Linear Systems, Existence and Uniqueness Theorems, Numerical Approximations.

s174 Pages
Introduction to Differential Equations

Introduction to Differential Equations

This book covers the following topics: Introduction to odes, First-order odes, Second-order odes, constant coefficients, The Laplace transform, Series solutions, Systems of equations, Nonlinear differential equations, Partial differential equations.

s128 Pages
Notes on Partial Differential Equations

Notes on Partial Differential Equations

This book covers the following topics: Laplace's equations, Sobolev spaces, Functions of one variable, Elliptic PDEs, Heat flow, The heat equation, The Fourier transform, Parabolic equations, Vector-valued functions and Hyperbolic equations.

s224 Pages
Differential equations by Harry Bateman

Differential equations by Harry Bateman

Harry Bateman was a famous English mathematician. In writing this book he had endeavoured to supply some elementary material suitable for the needs of students who are studying the subject for the first time, and also some more advanced work which may be useful to men who are interested more in physical mathematics than in the developments of differential geometry and the theory of functions. The chapters on partial differential equations have consequently been devoted almost entirely to the discussion of linear equations.

s320 Pages
Difference Equations to Differential Equations

Difference Equations to Differential Equations

This book covers the following topics: Sequences, limits, and difference equations, Functions and their properties, Best affine approximations, Integration, Polynomial approximations and Taylor series, transcendental functions, The complex plane and Differential equations.

sNA Pages
Linear Differential Equations

Linear Differential Equations

These notes are a concise understanding-based presentation of the basic linear-operator aspects of solving linear differential equations. Topics covered includes: Operators and Linear Combinations, Homogeneous linear equations, Complex Exponentials and Real Homogeneous Linear Equations, Non-homogeneous linear equations and Systems of Linear Differential Equations.

s43 Pages
Differential Equations (Dawkins P)

Differential Equations (Dawkins P)

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sNA Pages
Analysis Tools with Applications and PDE Notes

Analysis Tools with Applications and PDE Notes

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sNA Pages
Entropy and Partial Differential Equations(Evans L.C pdf)

Entropy and Partial Differential Equations(Evans L.C pdf)

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sNA Pages
Ordinary Differential Equations Sheldon

Ordinary Differential Equations Sheldon

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sNA Pages
Analytic differential equations

Analytic differential equations

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sNA Pages