This PDF covers the
following topics related to Set Theory : Introduction, Well-orders and
Ordinals, Classes and Transfinite Recursion, Cardinals, Zorn’s Lemma,
Ramsey’s Theorem, Lo´s’s Theorem, Cumulative Hierarchy, Relativization,
Measurable Cardinals, Godel’s Constructible Universe, Banach-Tarski
This PDF covers
the following topics related to Set Theory : General considerations, Basic
concepts, Constructions in set theory, Relations and functions, Number
systems and set theory, Infinite constructions in set theory, The Axiom of
Choice and related properties, Set theory as a foundation for mathematics.
Goal of these notes is to introduce both some of the basic tools in the
foundations of mathematics and gesture toward some interesting philosophical
problems that arise out of them. Topics covered includes: Axioms and
representations, Backbones and problems, advanced set theory.