This note explains the following topics: Analytic Geometry,
Instantaneous Rate of Change: The Derivative, Rules for Finding Derivatives,
Transcendental Functions, Curve Sketching, Applications of the Derivative,
Integration, Techniques of Integration, Applications of Integration, Polar
Coordinates, Parametric Equations, Sequences and Series, Vector Functions,
Partial Differentiation, Multiple Integration, Vector Calculus, Differential
Author(s): David Farmer, Albert Schueller, and
David Guichard
This note covers the following
topics: Vectors and the geometry of space, Directional derivatives, gradients,
tangent planes, introduction to integration, Integration over non-rectangular
regions, Integration in polar coordinates, applications of multiple integrals,
surface area, Triple integration, Spherical coordinates, The Fundamental Theorem
of Calculus for line integrals, Green's Theorem, Divergence and curl, Surface
integrals of scalar functions, Tangent planes, introduction to flux, Surface
integrals of vector fields, The Divergence Theorem.