Medical Booksgastroenterology Books

Canadian Association for the Study of the Liver

Canadian Association for the Study of the Liver

Canadian Association for the Study of the Liver

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Similar Books
Gastrointestinal Tract Pathology

Gastrointestinal Tract Pathology

This note covers the following topics: anatomy, Physiology and Congenital Conditions of the GIT, Oesophagus, Stomach, Small intestine and colon, Anal canal, Vermiform appendix and peritoneal cavity.

s36 Pages
Gastroenterology and Digestive Diseases

Gastroenterology and Digestive Diseases

This note covers the following topics: Esophageal and Motility Conditions, Autoimmune Conditions, Inflammatory Bowel Disease, Liver Disease, Other Gastrointestinal Conditions.

sNA Pages
Stomach Disorders

Stomach Disorders

The stomach is not just a digestive organ. In fact, it carries many important duties far beyond digestion. After reading this book, you will learn to appreciate this precious organ and take good care of it.

sNA Pages
Digestive Diseases

Digestive Diseases

This note covers the following topics: Abdominal Adhesions, Acid Reflux in Adults, Anatomic Problems of the Lower GI Tract, Appendicitis, Barrett's Esophagus, Celiac Disease, Colon Polyps, Constipation, Crohn's Disease, Cyclic Vomiting Syndrome,Diarrhea, Diverticulosis and Diverticulitis, Dumping Syndrome, Foodborne Illnesses, Gallstones, Gas, Gastritis, Gastroparesis, GI Bleeding, Hemorrhoids, Indigestion, Inguinal Hernia, Intestinal Pseudo-obstruction, Irritable Bowel Syndrome, Lactose Intolerance, Liver Disease, Menetrier’s Disease, Microscopic Colitis, Ostomy Surgery of the Bowel, Pancreatitis, Peptic Ulcers, Proctitis, Short Bowel Syndrome, Smoking and the Digestive System, Ulcerative Colitis, Viral Gastroenteritis, Whipple Disease, Your Digestive System and How It Works, Zollinger-Ellison.

sNA Pages
Gastrointestinal and Liver

Gastrointestinal and Liver

The major objective of this material is to present the structure and function of the digestive system. Topics covered includes: Oral Cavity and Salivary Glands, Nerves and Hormones, Salivary Glands and Esophagus, Tubular GI Tract - Stomach, Stomach, Pancreas, Intestines, Tubular GI Tract - Small Intestine, Colon and review, The Digestive Tract Ecosystem, Micronutrients.

sNA Pages
Dyspepsia Managing Dyspepsia in Adults in Primary Care

Dyspepsia Managing Dyspepsia in Adults in Primary Care

This guideline provides evidence-based recommendations for the primary care management of dyspepsia symptoms and underlying causes in adults. The guideline defines dyspepsia broadly and inclusively, reflecting its presentation and management in the primary care setting.

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Gastric Carcinoma  New Insights into Current Management

Gastric Carcinoma New Insights into Current Management

Gastric cancer is the second most common cause of cancer-related death in the world. The book makes an insight into the assessment of premalignant lesions, current management of early gastric cancer, risk and protective factors in gastric carcinogenesis. The book describes the role of different diagnostic tools in the preoperative assessment of patients and the most important factors contributing to the prognosis. Moreover, it describes the current surgical and chemotherapeutic options for gastric neoplasm.

s293 Pages
Paroxysmal   Nocturnal Hemoglobinuria

Paroxysmal Nocturnal Hemoglobinuria

This note explains the following details about Paroxysmal Nocturnal Hemoglobinuria: symptom, diagnosis, treatment, medication and management.

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Gastroenterology   eMedicine

Gastroenterology eMedicine

This guide explains the following topics: Biliary, Colon, Esophagus, Intestine, Liver, Pancreas, Stomach and Systemic Disease.

sNA Pages
Given Imaging

Given Imaging

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s Pages
Atlas of Gastroenterological Endoscopy   A. Freytag, T. Deist

Atlas of Gastroenterological Endoscopy A. Freytag, T. Deist

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s Pages
El Salvador Atlas of Gastrointestinal Videoendoscopy

El Salvador Atlas of Gastrointestinal Videoendoscopy

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s Pages
Asociacin Espaola de Pediatria   Protocolos de Hepatologia [Espaol]

Asociacin Espaola de Pediatria Protocolos de Hepatologia [Espaol]

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s Pages
Viral Hepatitis Prevention Board

Viral Hepatitis Prevention Board

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Notas sobre Gastroenterologa Cibernetica, Julio Alejandro Murra Saca [Espaol]

Notas sobre Gastroenterologa Cibernetica, Julio Alejandro Murra Saca [Espaol]

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s Pages


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