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Recently Added Free Medical Books

Elements of Mathematical Oncology

This note covers the following topics: macroscopic models, Introduction to macroscopic and microscopic models, Fisher Kolmogorov petrovskii piskunov model, Remarks on the full invasive model with angiogenesis, Microscopic models, The tumor from the microscopic viewpoint, Different interactions and macroscopic limits, Some mathematical details on the macroscopic limit and appendix on R codes.

s123 Pages

An Oncologists View of Prostate Cancer

This PDF covers the following topics related to Oncology : An Introduction to Prostate Cancer, Prostate Specific Antigen, Diagnosis: Cancer Stages, Tumor Grades, Take Time to Make the Best Choice for You, Treatment Options for Localized Prostate Cancer, Advanced Treatment Options, Neoadjuvant Hormonal Therapy, After Treatment: What to Expect, Persistent Disease After Surgery, Persistent Disease After Radiation Therapy, Quality of Life Considerations and Treatment Choice, Positive Lymph Nodes: What This Means for the Patient, Stage Migration in Prostate Cancer, Clinical Trials: Opening New Frontiers in Treatment, Role of Nutrition in Prostate Cancer.

s184 Pages