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general medicine Books

general medicine Books

There are many online resources where you can find free general medicine books to download in PDF format, including online textbooks, ebooks, lecture notes, and more, covering basic, beginner, and advanced concepts for those looking for an introduction to the subject or a deeper understanding of it.

Clinical Medicine by Prof. Ashok Chandra

This PDF book covers the following topics related to Clinical Medicine : Introduction, The Common Plan - an outline,  Cardiology, Respiratory System, Neurology, Hepatobiliary Disease, Renal Disease, Endocrinal, Hematologym, Metabolic & Psychiatric Diseases.


s 52Pages

Managing Modern Healthcare

This PDF book covers the following topics related to General medicine : Managing Healthcare: Themes and Issues, Contextualizing Healthcare Management, Studying Management in Healthcare, Being a Manager, Becoming a Manager, Managers Knowing, Managers Networking, Managing Healthcare: Tensions and Prospects.


s NAPages

Guide To The Practical Course In Clinical Medicine

This manual is designed as a guide to classes, which are conducted by the experienced teachers from the Department of Teaching Basic Skills in Clinical Medicine, Medical University of Lodz.


s 179Pages

Dengue Fever

This book provides students with an updated reference text on the basics of this disease as well as researchers and academics, with a useful document to understand the current outlook and the perspectives for the future. It intends to review the latest updates on dengue fever, the tools available for its study and control, and promising technologies currently in the pipeline.


s NAPages

Standard Treatment Protocol Medical Officers

This protocol is meant to help medical professionals how to manage clinical decision making and guide them in their daily clinical works utilizing the available resources. It is aimed to be used by the Medical Officers working in the Primary Health Centres with some additional guidelines for its use at the secondary level in the Community Health Centres.


s 268Pages

Guidelines For The Management Of Common Medical Emergencies and for the Use Of Antimicrobial Drugs

This note covers the following topics: Cardio-vascular emergencies, Respiratory emergencies, Gastro-intestinal emergencies, Diabetic and endocrine emergencies, Neurology emergencies, Anaphylaxis, Acute pain, Suggestions for the use of antimicrobial drugs in adult, Drug overdosage/acute poisoning, Decompensated liver disease, Acute painful joints, Renal emergencies and Electrolyte disturbancies.


s 102Pages

Food Borne Diseases Lectures

This note covers the following topics: Food borne diseases (FBD) are acute illnesses associated with the recent consumption of food .Classification of food borne diseases, Food borne infections , Salmonellosis, Common food poisoning serotypes, Typhoid and Paratyphoid fever, Disease symptoms, Campylobacteriosis, Mode of infection, Escherichia coli food borne infection, Enteroinvasive E coli, Cholera, Vibrio parahemolyticus foodborne Infection, Listeria monocytogenes infection, Vehicle foods, Viral Foodborne Infections, Toxin production, Botulinal toxins, Role of preservatives in meat, Infant botulism, Fungal intoxications.


s 131Pages

A System of Practical Medicine

This book explains the following topics: General Pathology And Sanitary Science, General Etiology, Medical Diagnosis, And Prognosis, Drainage And Sewerage In Their Hygienic Relations, General Diseases, Typhoid Fever, Relapsing Fever, Scarlet Fever, Rubeola, Malarial Fevers, Epidemic Cerebro-spinal Meningitis, Rabies And Hydrophobia, Glanders and Farcy, Puerperal Fever.


s NAPages

Vignettes in Patient Safety Volume 1

The goal of Vignettes in Patient Safety is to illustrate and discuss, in a clinically relevant format, examples in which evidence-based approaches to patient care, using established methodologies to develop highly functional multidisciplinary teams, can help foster an institutional culture of patient safety and high-quality care delivery.


s 186Pages

Introduction to Clinical Pain Problems

This note covers the following topics: Evidence-Based Pain Therapy, Acute Postoperative Pain: Context, Outcomes, and Clinical Interventions, Pharmacotherapy: Opioids, NSAIDS, Adjuvants, and Analgesic Equivalence, Neuropathic Pain, Headache and Craniofacial Pain Disorders, Cancer Pain, Back Pain.


s NAPages

Food borne Diseases

This book covers the following topics: Definition of Food borne diseases, Epidemiology, Classification and Etiology of Some Food Borne Diseases, Pathogenesis and Clinical Features of Common Food-borne Diseases, Diagnosis of Food-borne Diseases, General Management Approaches of Food-borne Diseases, Prevention and Control of Food-borne Diseases, Investigation of Outbreaks of Food-borne Diseases.


s 168Pages

Fever and Rash Common clinical syndromes

This note covers the following topics: Approach to Patient with Fever and Rash, Description of Rash, Associated Signs and Symptoms, Exposures, Toxic Shock Syndrome, Measles , MMR recommendations for travelers, Stevens-Johnson Syndrome, Scarlet Fever, Hand Foot and Mouth.


s 90Pages

General medicine by Chicago Year Book Publishers

This book provides almost all the information about General medicine.


s 692Pages

Handbook of suggestive therapeutics, applied hypnotism, psychic science

To indicate the practical usefulness of psychotherapeutic principles in their application to the work of the general practitioner is the object of this book. The author simply states his experiences in support of his conviction of the broad scope and usefulness of psychotherapeutic procedures, and endeavors to show how their application is upheld by the theories advanced by the leaders of the present-day conception of psychotherapeutic principles, and describes the technic of their application.


s 409Pages

Introduction to Human Biology and Medicine

This book introduces graduate students in the life sciences to normal human tissue and organ biology and its dysregulation in disease. Topics covered includes: Hematopoiesis, Introduction to the Immune Systems, Thalassemia Clinical Picture and Scientific Understanding, Diseases of Blood Clotting, Blood Vessel, Lymphoma, Granulocytes and Macrophages, Cardiovascular anatomy and hemodynamics, The Kidney, Renal Failure, Renal Regulation of Homeostasis, GI Tract, Gastric acid secretion, Motility and secretion, Inflammatory Bowel Disease, Viral Hepatitis B, Metabolic syndrome and Obesity.


s NAPages

A Practical Guide to Clinical Medicine

This note explains the following topics: Breast Exam, History of Present, The Rest of the History, Review of Systems, Illness Male Genital or Rectal Exam, The Oral Presentation, The Upper Extremities, Outpatient Clinics, The Lower Extremities, Inpatient Medicine, Vital Signs, Musculo-Skeletal Exam, The Eye Exam, The Mental Status Exam, Head and Neck Exam, The Neurological Exam, The Lung Exam, Cardiovascular Exam and Commonly Used Abbreviations.


s NAPages

bmj.com Data Supplement ClinicalFutures

This note explains the following topics: The human genome, Cancer, Brain function, Fetal and child development and Future health scenarios and public policy.


s NAPages

Bookshelf Online books

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s Pages

Common Chronic Disease Patterns in Arabian Gulf, Saudi Arabia and Yemen O. P. Kapoor

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s Pages


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s Pages

Fisterra Herramientas tiles para la consulta en Atencin Primaria de Salud [Espaol]

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High Altitude Medicine Guide Thomas E. Dietz

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Innovative Health Technology

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Medical Algorithms Project John R. Svirbely and M.G. Sriram

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Mdicos Ecuador [Espaol]

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Merck Manual of Medical Information Home Edition

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s Pages

P.R. Vademcum [Espaol]

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Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine

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Programa de Actualizacin Contnua Dr. Scope [Espaol]

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Salud y Sociedad Biotica.org [Espaol]

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Screening Physical Examination Loyola University

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s Pages

Symptom Research Interactive Clinical Research Textbook Mitchell Max and Joanne Lynn

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Virtual Hospital University of Iowa

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Evidence based medicine, clinical guidelines

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Documed Documentacin Mdica Espaola [Espaol]

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AllRefer Health

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Entrez cross database search NCBI

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Entrez PubMed NCBI

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National Center for Biotechnology Information

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Beckers Abkrzungslexikon medizinischer Begriffe [Deutsch]

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Descriptores en Ciencias de la Salud BIREME [Espaol]

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Diccionarios de elmundo.es [Espaol]

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Diccionaris de medicina Viasalus [Espaol]

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DictionaryBarn Dictionary of all medical terms

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Flexicon Das flexible Lexikon [Deutsch]

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