This book deals with most of the
issues covered in standard textbooks, but without the outrageous price tags.
Topics covered includes: Neuropsychology, Nature and Nurture, Methods,
Development, Sensation and Perception, Emotion and Motivation, Personality,
Learning and Memory, Psychological Disorders, Language and Therapy.
Author(s): Dr.
C. George Boeree, Shippensburg University
This note explains the following topics: This Foundations of
Psychology, Key Psychological Processes, Developmental Processes, Self and
Personality, Social and Applied Psychology.
Author(s): The National Institute
of Open Schooling
This lecture note explains the following topics: What
is Psycholinguistics, History of Psycholinguistics, Different Forms of
Psycholinguistic Inquiry, Linking Language and the Mind, How does
Psycholinguistics Relate to our Lives.
The eight lectures on the elementary psychology of feeling and
attention which make up this little book were read during the author's tenure of
a nonresident lectureship in psychology at Columbia University, February, 1908.
Topics covered includes: Sensation and it Attributes; Sensation and Affection:
the Criteria of Affection, The Affections as Gefühlsempfindungen, The
Tridimensional Theory of Feeling, Attention as Sensory Clearness, The Laws of
Attention, and Affection and Attention.
This book to helps students to organize
their thinking about psychology at a conceptual level. It maintains content and
conceptual rigor, with a strong focus on the fundamental principles of
empiricism and the scientific method.