PDF covers the following topics related to Ophthalmology : Light, Movement of
Light,Vergence, Lens Systems, Simple Lens Formula, Depth of Focus, Depth of
Field, Multiple Lens Systems, Lens Effectivity, Focal Points, Ray Tracing –
Lenses, Optical Media and Indices of Refraction, Snell’s Law of Refraction,
Apparent Thickness Formula, Law of Reflection and Critical Angle, Mirrors, Ray
Tracings – Mirrors, Prisms, Prentice’s Rule, Lenses, Aberrations, Schematic Eye,
Refractive or Axial Myopia and Hyperopia, Knapp’s Law, Far Point of the Eye,
Accommodation., The Amplitude of Accommodation, Near Point of the Eye,
Magnification, Telescopes, Aniseikonia.
Author(s): Mark E. Wilkinson, OD, Khadija S. Shahid, OD, MPH
PDF covers the following topics related to Ophthalmology : Light, Movement of
Light,Vergence, Lens Systems, Simple Lens Formula, Depth of Focus, Depth of
Field, Multiple Lens Systems, Lens Effectivity, Focal Points, Ray Tracing –
Lenses, Optical Media and Indices of Refraction, Snell’s Law of Refraction,
Apparent Thickness Formula, Law of Reflection and Critical Angle, Mirrors, Ray
Tracings – Mirrors, Prisms, Prentice’s Rule, Lenses, Aberrations, Schematic Eye,
Refractive or Axial Myopia and Hyperopia, Knapp’s Law, Far Point of the Eye,
Accommodation., The Amplitude of Accommodation, Near Point of the Eye,
Magnification, Telescopes, Aniseikonia.
Author(s): Mark E. Wilkinson, OD, Khadija S. Shahid, OD, MPH
This website contains a database of hereditary disorders with
important ocular features. It is designed as a portal site containing summary
clinical descriptions with links to additional online information. Each
description of a medical condition is also linked to a page containing
information written in nontechnical language for patients.
This note
explains the following topics: General principles of maintenance and
terminology, Common maintenance tasks and techniques to handle them, Maintenance
management, Torch light, Ophthalmoscope, retinoscope, Indirect Ophthalmoscope,
Slit lamp and other optical equipment, General care of surgical instruments,
Care of Knives, Multimeter, Optical surfaces and some simple electrical
book covers the following topics: Anatomy of the Eye, Eye Examination, Diseases
of Conjunctiva, Diseases of Cornea, Diseases of Sclera, Diseases of Uveal Tract,
Diseases of Lens, Glaucoma, Diseases of Vitreous, Diseases of Retina, Neuro-Ophthalmology,
Strabismus and Nystagmus, Diseases of Eyelids, Diseases of Lacrimal Apparatus,
Diseases of Orbit, Ocular Injuries, Systemic Ophthalmology, Community
Ophthalmology and Eye Surgery.
This is a comprehensive,
practical guidebook that provides a clear overview and update of current modern
techniques of ocular surgery. The chapters will be of interest to a wide
audience. The chapters are written by experts with special interest and
extensive clinical experience in the topics.