This book covers the
following topics: Pediatric Fever Without a Source, Sepsis and Septic Shock,
Pain Management, Head Injury, Pediatric Procedural Sedation, Orthopedic
Injuries, Pocus Nerve Blocks, Abdominal Pain and Appendicitis, Gastroenteritis,
Constipation and Obstruction, Bronchiolitis, Asthma, Lung Pocus, Pediatric
This book covers the
following topics: Pediatric Fever Without a Source, Sepsis and Septic Shock,
Pain Management, Head Injury, Pediatric Procedural Sedation, Orthopedic
Injuries, Pocus Nerve Blocks, Abdominal Pain and Appendicitis, Gastroenteritis,
Constipation and Obstruction, Bronchiolitis, Asthma, Lung Pocus, Pediatric
book is divided into three principal parts: Part I, dealing with the experience
of pregnancy from the beginning of expectancy to the convalescence of labor:
Part II, dealing with the infant from its first day of life up to the weaning
time; Part III, taking up the problems of the nursery from the weaning to the
important period of adolescence.
volume covers aspects of sudden infant and early childhood death, ranging from
issues with parental grief, to the most recent theories of brainstem
neurotransmitters. It also deals with the changes that have occurred over time
with the definitions of SIDS (sudden infant death syndrome), SUDI (sudden
unexpected death in infancy) and SUDIC (sudden unexpected death in childhood).
The term childhood
disease refers to disease that is contracted or becomes symptomatic before the
age of 18 years old. Many of these diseases can also be contracted by adults.
This book explains about some childhood diseases.