Substance Induced Mood Disorders, Depression and Mania
Substance Induced Mood Disorders, Depression and Mania
Substance Induced Mood Disorders, Depression and Mania
This note covers the following topics related to Substance-Induced Mood
Disorders: Substances Linked to Depression or Mania, Etiology, Epidemiology,
DSM-IV-TR Classification of SIMD, Evaluation of SIMD, Differential Diagnosis,
Screening Laboratory Tests, CT Scanning, MRI, and EEG, Pharmacologic and Other
Treatment Considerations, Inpatient and Outpatient Care, Prevention and
This sequence introduces
students to clinical psychiatry. The sequence focuses on the clinical diagnosis
and treatment of psychiatric disorders, with those elements of neurobiology,
behavioral science, and pharmacology that are essential to the understanding of
these disorders
This note covers the following topics: Amphetamine-Related Psychiatric
Disorders Clinical Presentation, Differential Diagnoses, Laboratory Studies,
Imaging Studies, Histologic Findings, Medical Care, Medication: Antipsychotics,
Benzodiazepines, Opiate antagonists, Beta-blockers, Expectorants and
This note covers the following topics: Signs and symptoms,
characteristics of persons who abuse inhalants, Diagnostic Considerations,
Laboratory Studies, Anticonvulsants, Antipsychotics, Inpatient and Outpatient