Medical Bookspsychiatry Books

Substance Induced Mood Disorders, Depression and Mania

Substance Induced Mood Disorders, Depression and Mania

Substance Induced Mood Disorders, Depression and Mania

This note covers the following topics related to Substance-Induced Mood Disorders: Substances Linked to Depression or Mania, Etiology, Epidemiology, DSM-IV-TR Classification of SIMD, Evaluation of SIMD, Differential Diagnosis, Screening Laboratory Tests, CT Scanning, MRI, and EEG, Pharmacologic and Other Treatment Considerations, Inpatient and Outpatient Care, Prevention and Prognosis.


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Substance Induced Mood Disorders, Depression and Mania

Substance Induced Mood Disorders, Depression and Mania

This note covers the following topics related to Substance-Induced Mood Disorders: Substances Linked to Depression or Mania, Etiology, Epidemiology, DSM-IV-TR Classification of SIMD, Evaluation of SIMD, Differential Diagnosis, Screening Laboratory Tests, CT Scanning, MRI, and EEG, Pharmacologic and Other Treatment Considerations, Inpatient and Outpatient Care, Prevention and Prognosis.

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