Medical Bookscardiology Books

The Lettsomian Lectures on Diseases and Disorders of the Heart and Arteries

The Lettsomian Lectures on Diseases and Disorders of the Heart and Arteries

The Lettsomian Lectures on Diseases and Disorders of the Heart and Arteries

This book covers the following topics: Natural State of Heart and Arteries after 40, Causes of cardio-vascular disorder and disease, Physical Stress , Nervous Influences, Cardiac Poisons, Disturbances of Metabolism, Gout, Syphilis, Acute specific fevers, Chronic affections, Complex causes, Old-standing Rheumatic Lesions, Family heart.


sNA Pages
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Guidelines for Prevention and Management of Stroke

Guidelines for Prevention and Management of Stroke

This note explains the following topics: Major risk factors of stroke, Primary Prevention, Early identification of symptoms of stroke and management of TIA, Management of established acute stroke care , Secondary Prevention, Rehabilitation, Pattern of assistance for integrating Stroke care services in District Hospital.

s97 Pages
Heart Diseases by Duke University

Heart Diseases by Duke University

This note covers the following topics: Ischemic Heart Disease, Major Syndromes, Prevalence Of Ischemic Heart Disease, Sudden Cardiac Death, Atherosclerosis, Plaque Rupture And Thrombosis, Plaque Calcification, Ischemia, Management Of ACS Related Sudden Cardiac Death, Dating Myocardial Infarcts, Acute MI.

s75 Pages
Hypertension by University of Michigan

Hypertension by University of Michigan

This note provides you with information on how a specific mind-body therapy, meditation, may be used for treatment and/or prevention of hypertension. Topics covered includes: Contraindications, Determining the Most Appropriate Recommendation, Forms of Meditation, specific mind-body therapy, Introduction to the Patient with elevated blood pressures, Meditation, Mind-Body Interventions and Photo Attributions.

sNA Pages
Cardiology Explained

Cardiology Explained

This note explains the basic physiology and pathophysiologic mechanisms of cardiovascular disease in a straightforward and diagrammatic manner, gives guidelines as to when referral is appropriate, and, uniquely, explains what the specialist is likely to do. This facilitates an understanding of the specialty not available from standard textbooks.

sNA Pages
Angiography and Endovascular Therapy for Peripheral Artery Disease

Angiography and Endovascular Therapy for Peripheral Artery Disease

This textbook on Angiography and Endovascular Therapy for Peripheral Artery Disease provides a comprehensive angiographic approach to assess and determine optimal treatment strategies for peripheral artery disease. Each chapter focuses on angiography as it relates to the outcomes of endovascular work.

s158 Pages
Stroke Prevention in Atrial Fibrillation

Stroke Prevention in Atrial Fibrillation

The information in this guide is intended to help health care decisionmakers, patients and clinicians, health system leaders, and policymakers, among others make well-informed decisions and thereby improve the quality of health care services.

sNA Pages
Cardiothoracic Trauma

Cardiothoracic Trauma

The aim of this study was to describe rare but serious and sometimes fatal entities in patients with cardiothoracic trauma sustained in two Scandinavian countries, and to determine the outcome.

s94 Pages


This note covers the following topics: Signs and symptoms, Diagnosis, Overview of Atherosclerosis, Etiology of Atherosclerosis, Risk Factors for Atherosclerosis, Epidemiology of Atherosclerosis, Patient Education in Atherosclerosis, Patient History, Physical Examination, Lipid Profile, Blood Glucose and Hemoglobin A1C, Ultrasonographic Examination, MRI and Scintigraphy, Treatment of Atherosclerosis and Drug Agents.

sNA Pages
Hypertension, Malignant

Hypertension, Malignant

This note covers the following topics: Hypertensive Emergencies, Accelerated hypertension and hypertensive urgency, Patient education, Evaluation, Differential Diagnosis workup for Malignant Hypertension, Medical Management, Surgical Therapy and Prognosis and Prevention.

sNA Pages
Metabolic Syndrome

Metabolic Syndrome

This note covers the following topics: Signs and symptoms, Diagnosis, Pathophysiology, Etiology, Epidemiology and Prognosis.

sNA Pages


This note covers the following topics related to Nephrosclerosis treatment and medication: Medical Care, Diuretics, ACE inhibitors, Renin inhibitors, Calcium channel blockers, Direct vasodilators, Central-acting alpha-2 agonists, Alpha-1 antagonists, Antihypertensives, Low-dose thiazides, ACE inhibitor and ARB combination therapy.

sNA Pages
Primary and Secondary Prevention of Coronary Artery Disease

Primary and Secondary Prevention of Coronary Artery Disease

This note covers the following topics:Risk Assessment and Primary Prevention, Classification of Recommendations, Secondary Prevention Goals and Management, Women and Coronary Artery Disease.

sNA Pages
Cardiology Glossary

Cardiology Glossary

Currently this section contains no detailed description for the page, will update this page soon.

s Pages
ECG Library

ECG Library

An electrocardiogram is an electrical recording of the heart and is used in the investigation of heart disease. This library is a collection of realistic looking recordings which will help improve your ECG skills. Topics coverd are: ischaemic heart disease, hypertrophy patterns, atrioventricular (AV) block, bundle branch block, supraventricular rhythms, ventricular rhythms, Wolff Parkinson White syndrome.

sNA Pages
eMedicine Cardiology

eMedicine Cardiology

This note covers the following topics: Arrhythmias, Atherosclerosis and Risk Factors, Cancer and the Heart, Cardiovascular Syndromes in Systemic Diseases, Congenital Heart Disease in the Adult, Coronary Artery Disease, Electrophysiology Procedures, Invasive Diagnostic, Interventional, and Surgical Procedures, Myocardial Disease and Cardiomyopathies, Pericardial Disease, Peripheral Vascular Disease, Special Patient Populations, Valvular Heart Disease.

sNA Pages
Prevention, Detection, Evaluation, and Treatment of High Blood Pressure

Prevention, Detection, Evaluation, and Treatment of High Blood Pressure

Currently this section contains no detailed description for the page, will update this page soon.

s Pages