Advanced Fluid Mechanics by Dr. Prakash Chandra Swain
This PDF covers
the following topics related to Advanced Fluid Mechanics : Introduction: Survey
of Fluid Mechanics, Structure of Fluid Mechanics Based on Rheological, Temporal
Variation, Fluid Type, Motion Characteristic and spatial Dimensionality
Consideration, Approaches in Solving Fluid Flow Problems, Fundamental
idealizations and Descriptions of Fluid Motion, Quantitative Definition of Fluid
and Flow, Reynolds Transport Theorem, Mass, Momentum and Energy Conservation
Principles for Fluid Flow. Potential Flow: Frictionless Irrotational Motions, 2
- Dimensional Stream Function and Velocity Potential Function in Cartesian and
Cylindrical Polar Coordinate Systems, Standard Patterns of Flow, Source, Sink,
Uniform Flow and irrotational vortex, Combinations of Flow Patterns, method of
Images in Solving Groundwater Flow problems, Method of Conformal
Author(s): Dr. Prakash Chandra Swain, Professor in Civil
Engineering, Veer Surendra Sai University of Technology, Burla
55 Pages