Physics BooksModern Physics Books

Lecture Notes on Modern Physics by Stephen Sekula

Lecture Notes on Modern Physics by Stephen Sekula

Lecture Notes on Modern Physics by Stephen Sekula

This note covers foundations of modern physics, Introduction to the course, The special theory of relativity, Basic ideas, The Lorentz transformation, Length contraction, The relativity of time, Light and the doppler effect, The addition of velocities, Energy and momentum, Toward the general theory of relativity, Radiation and matter, The schrodinger wave equation, The bohr model of the atom, Solving them schrodinger wave equation and special topics in nuclear medicine.


s354 Pages
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Lecture Notes on Modern Physics by Stephen Sekula

Lecture Notes on Modern Physics by Stephen Sekula

This note covers foundations of modern physics, Introduction to the course, The special theory of relativity, Basic ideas, The Lorentz transformation, Length contraction, The relativity of time, Light and the doppler effect, The addition of velocities, Energy and momentum, Toward the general theory of relativity, Radiation and matter, The schrodinger wave equation, The bohr model of the atom, Solving them schrodinger wave equation and special topics in nuclear medicine.

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Lecture notes and slides on Nuclear Physics

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Modern Physics Notes

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