This note covers the following
topics: Recursion Method: Concepts, Probability: Intuition, Ambiguity, Absurdity
and Puzzles, Elements of Probability Theory with Applications, Random Variables,
Stochastic Processes, Brownian Motion, Linear Response and Equilibrium Dynamics,
Zwanzig-Mori Formalism.
note explains the following topics: Thermodynamics, Introduction to Statistics,
Statistical mechanics, Statistical mechanics of quantum systems, Phase
transitions, Liouville’s theorem .
This note
covers the following topics: Probability theory, The microcanonical ensemble,
The canonical ensemble, The grandcanonical ensemble, Quantum fluids, Phase
transitions, Thermodynamics, Dynamics.
This note offers
an introduction to probability, statistical mechanics, and thermodynamics.
Numerous examples are used to illustrate a wide variety of physical phenomena
such as magnetism, polyatomic gases, thermal radiation, electrons in solids, and
noise in electronic devices.
A comprehensive and detailed
account of the subject. Topics covered includes: Fundamentals of Statistical
Mechanics , Classical Gases, Quantum Gases, Classical Thermodynamics, Phase
Author(s): Dr David Tong, Department of Applied
Mathematics and Theoretical Physics, Cambridge