Physics BooksBioPhysics Books

Statistical Physics in Biology

Statistical Physics in Biology

Statistical Physics in Biology

This course provides a survey of problems at the interface of statistical physics and modern biology. Topics covered includes: bioinformatic methods for extracting information content of DNA, gene finding, sequence comparison, and phylogenetic trees, physical interactions responsible for structure of biopolymers, DNA double helix, secondary structure of RNA, and elements of protein folding, considerations of force, motion, and packaging, protein motors and membranes.


sNA Pages
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Statistical Physics in Biology

Statistical Physics in Biology

This course provides a survey of problems at the interface of statistical physics and modern biology. Topics covered includes: bioinformatic methods for extracting information content of DNA, gene finding, sequence comparison, and phylogenetic trees, physical interactions responsible for structure of biopolymers, DNA double helix, secondary structure of RNA, and elements of protein folding, considerations of force, motion, and packaging, protein motors and membranes.

sNA Pages