Biology BooksBacteriology Books

Photo Gallery of Bacterial Pathogens


Photo Gallery of Bacterial Pathogens

Photo Gallery of Bacterial Pathogens

The web contains many images of bacterias. The purpose of this page is to provide a central location to go to for images of pathogenic bacteria on the web.


sNA Pages
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List of Clinically Important Bacteria

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General Bacteriology Notes

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Journal of bacteriology

Journal of bacteriology

This book covers the following topics: Chemical Criteria of Anaerobiosis with Special Reference to Methylene Blue, The Effect of Pepton upon the Production of Tetanus Toxin, Spiral Bodies in Bacterial Cultures.

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Basic laboratory procedures in clinical bacteriology (PDF 188P)

This book is published by World Health Organization. In this book WHO brings together and updates the various guidelines produced by WHO over the years on sampling of specimens for laboratory investigation, identification of bacteria, and testing of antimicrobial resistance. The information included is intended to lead to harmonization of microbiological investigations and susceptibility testing, and to improve the quality of laboratories at both central and intermediate levels.

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Medical Bacteriology (PDF 444P)

Currently this section contains no detailed description for the page, will update this page soon.

sNA Pages
