Computer Science BooksComputer Architecture Books

Advance Computer Architecture Notes

Advance Computer Architecture Notes

Advance Computer Architecture Notes

This is a comprehensive 118-page detailed note on advanced topics in computer architecture. This starts with the principles of processor performance and the basics of RISC and CISC architecture classification. The document investigates the basics of pipelining and its hazards, and some advanced architectures like superscalar and super-pipelined systems. Very Long Instruction Word (VLIW) architectures and basic multiprocessor designs are also emphasized. This note explains Flynn's classification, array processors, vector processors, associative processors, and systolic architectures. Hierarchical memory technology is discussed followed by various computing models that work on these computing devices, such as data flow computers and cloud computing. The two sections in this resource will be useful to those who want to address current developments and architectures in computer systems.


s118 Pages
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