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Functional Programming Books

Functional Programming Books

There are many online resources where you can find free Functional Programming books to download in PDF format, including online textbooks, ebooks, lecture notes, and more, covering basic, beginner, and advanced concepts for those looking for an introduction to the subject or a deeper understanding of it.

Functional Programming by TyngRuey Chuang

This PDF covers the following topics related to Functional Programming : Basics of functional programming, Fold or unfold functions, Parametric modules, Function, evaluation, and binding, Fold or unfold functions for data types.


s 21Pages

Functional Programming by Loyola Marymount University

This page covers the following topics related to Functional Programming : The Basics, Language Support, Moving From Imperative to Functional, Higher Order Functions, Closures, Purity and Side Effects, Theoretical Foundations, Functional vs. Object-Oriented, Point-Free Programming, Summary.


s NAPages

Functional Programming Lecture Notes by David Walker

This note covers the following topics: O'Caml, Simple Data, Thinking Recursively, Poly-HO: Polymorphism and Higher-Order Programming, Pipelines, Datatypes, The Functional Evaluation Model, Functional Space Model, Equational Reasoning, Modules and Functors, Modular Reasoning, Mutable Data Structures and Imperative Interfaces, Threads, Locks and Mutable Data, Parallel Complexity Model, Parallel Scans and Filters.


s NAPages

Introduction to Functional Programming

This note covers the following topics: Lambda calculus, Lambda calculus as a programming language, Types, A taste of ML, Proving programs correct, Effective ML.


s 168Pages

Introduction to Functional Programming

This note covers the following topics: Introduction to Haskell and Lazy, Functional Programming, Datatypes, Programs and Proofs, Simple Graphics, Polymorphism, Trees, Regions, Proofs by Induction, The Haskell Class System, Simple Animations, Infinite Lists and Streams, Reactive Animations, Higher Order Types, Functional Music and Interpreting Music.


s NAPages

Type Theory and Functional Programming

This book explains the following topics: Propositional Logic, Predicate Logic, Functional Programming and &


s NAPages

Functional Programming III

This note explains the fundamental programming concepts such as recursion, abstraction, higher-order functions and data types, whilst at the same time emphasizing the practical use of such constructs by applying them within a graphical environment.


s NAPages

Functional Programming I

The aim of this course module is to teach the basic principles of functional programming, using the modern functional language Haskell.


s NAPages

Functional Programming Lecture notes (PDF 72P)

This note covers the following topics: introduction, pattern matching, The Sieve of Eratosthenes, Fibonacci Series, Folding Lists, Data types, An expression evaluator, Lambda Calculus, Modules, type inference, Uni cation algorithm, The type inference algorithm, Type classes, Functions with varible number of arguments.


s 72Pages

Functional Programming II

This note covers the following topics: The Memory Management, Graph Reduction , Garbage Collection, Memory Allocation, Lambda Calculus, The four stroke reduction engine and A list of Miranda's built-in functions.


s NAPages

Functional Programming in Scheme With Web Programming Examples

This note covers the following topics: programming paradigms, expressions types and functions, name binding recursion iteration and continuation, higher order functions, the order of evaluation, linguistic abstraction, laml, object oriented programming in scheme, imperative programming in scheme.


s NAPages