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Computer Graphics Books

Computer Graphics Books

There are many online resources where you can find free Computer Graphics books to download in PDF format, including online textbooks, ebooks, lecture notes, and more, covering basic, beginner, and advanced concepts for those looking for an introduction to the subject or a deeper understanding of it.

Computer Graphics Lecture Notes by Malla Reddy College Of Engineering

The PDF covers the following topics related to Computer Graphics :Application areas of Computer Graphics, Output primitives: Points and lines, 2-D geometrical transforms: 2-D viewing, 3-D object representation, 3-D Geometric transformations, Visible surface detection methods,Computer animation.


s 64Pages

Computer Graphics by Mandeep Kaur

The PDF covers the following topics related to Computer Graphics : Fundamentals of Computer Graphics, Colors in Computer Graphics, Overview of Graphics I/O Devices, Scan Conversion, Scan Conversion, 2-D Transformation, 2-D Viewing, 3-D in Computer Graphics, Clipping, Hidden Surfaces, Color and Shading Model, Advanced Computer Graphics, Animation in Computer Graphics.


s 234Pages

Computer Graphics by AAGASC

The PDF covers the following topics related to Computer Graphics : Overview of Computer Graphics System, Output Primitives, 2D Geometric Transformations, Graphical User Interfaces and Interactive Input Methods, 3D Geometric and Modeling Transformations.


s 100Pages

Lecture Notes On Computer Graphics

This note explains the following topics: Application of Computer Graphics, Line drawing algorithms, Two Dimensional Transformations, 2-Dimensional viewing, 3D Object Representations, Three Dimensional Transformations, Visible-Surface Detection Methods, Computer Animation.


s 58Pages

Computer Graphics And Multimedia

This note covers the following topics: Applications of Computer Graphics and Multimedia, Graphics System, Graphics Output primitive, Two Dimensional Geometric Transformations, Two Dimensional Viewing, Three Dimensional Object Representations, Three Dimensional Geometric and Modeling Transformations, .Illumination Model and Surface Rendering Methods, Digital Audio, Digital Image.


s 98Pages

Computer Graphics Lecture Notes by Shri Vishnu Engineering College For Women

This note covers the following topics: Computer-Aided Design for engineering and architectural systems, Presentation Graphics, Computer Art, Scan-Line Polygon Fill Algorithm, Two Dimensional Transformations, 2-Dimensional viewing, 3D Object Representations, Three Dimensional Transformations, Visible-Surface Detection Methods, Computer Animation.


s 63Pages

Computer Graphics Lecture Notes by Clinton L. Jeffery

This note explains the following topics: Graphics Hardware, Frame Buffers, Line Drawing, API parameters and graphic contexts, Color Indices and Colormaps, Raster Operations, UIGUI's Graphics Primitives, Region Filling, Golden Rectangle, Backing Store and Expose Events, Contexts and Cloning, Splines, Smooth Curves, Gamma Correction, 2D Geometrical Transformations, Composition of 3D Transformations, OpenGL, GLU and GLUT objects, Phong Model, Texture Mapping, Texture Coordinate Generation, Texture Objects, Curves and Surfaces, 3D Model File Formats.


s NAPages

Computer Graphics by Seoul National University

The goal of this note is to provides an Introduction to the theory of computer graphics. Topics covered includes: Scan conversion and clipping, Windows Programming and Sampling, 2D and 3D Geometric transformation, 2D viewing, DirectX : Creating a device and rendering vertices, Modeling and 3D Viewing, Hidden surface removal Hidden surface removal, Using matrices, Texture Mapping and Lighting Color, Curve and surfaces, Fixed and programmable pipeline.


s NAPages

Computer Graphics Lecture Notes by MIT

This note provides introduction to computer graphics algorithms, software and hardware. Topics covered includes: ray tracing, the graphics pipeline, transformations, shadows, texture mapping, sampling, global illumination, splines, animation and color.


s NAPages

Computer Graphics and Image Processing

This note covers the following topics: What are Computer Graphics and Image Processing, digital image, Image capture , Image display, Sampling, Human visual system, Simultaneous contrast, Classifying colours, Colour vision, Chromatic metamerism, Storing images in memory, Hermite cubic, Douglas and Pucker’s algorithm, Clipping, Polygon filling, Clipping polygons, Bounding boxes, Curves in 3D.


s 288Pages

Computer Graphics by Nobuhiko Mukai

The aim of computer graphics is to visualize real objects and imaginary or other abstract items. In order to visualize various things, many technologies are necessary and they are mainly divided into two types in computer graphics: modeling and rendering technologies. This book covers the most advanced technologies for both types. It also includes some visualization techniques and applications for motion blur, virtual agents and historical textiles. This book provides useful insights for researchers in computer graphics.


s 266Pages

Introduction to Computer Graphics Version 1.1

This note explains the following topics: Two-Dimensional Graphics, OpenGL 1.1: Geometry, OpenGL 1.1: Light and Material, Three.js: A 3D Scene Graph, API, Introduction to WebGL, 3D Graphics with WebGL, Beyond Realtime Graphics, Programming Languages, A 3D Modeling Program, Gimp and Inkscape for 2D Graphics, Source Code for Sample Program.


s NAPages

Computer Graphics David M. Mount

This note provides an introduction to the principles of computer graphics. In particular,it will consider methods for modeling 3-dimensional objects and efficiently generating photorealistic renderings on color raster graphics devices.


s 131Pages

Lecture Notes Fundamentals of Computer Graphics

This note is an introduction to the fundamentals of the field of computer graphics. Topics covered includes: Model transformations, Homogeneous Coordinates, View transformations, Projections, View Volume, Projective Transforms, Clipping, windowing, rasterization, Graphics Pipeline, Hidden Surface Removal, Object hierarchies, fractals, L-systems, Cubic Curves and Bicubic Surfaces, Meshes, Lighting, Material, Shading, texture mapping, environment mapping, shadows and interreflections.


s 152Pages

Computer Graphics Course Notes

This lecture note covers the following topics: Computer Graphics Basics, Introduction to C++, Getting Started with OpenGL, OpenGL Examples, An OpenGL Flight Simulator, Introduction to Java, Writing Classes in Java, Basic Java Graphics, Introduction to JavaScript, JavaScript Graphics with Canvas and Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG).


s NAPages

Computer Graphics Lecture Notes

This lecture note covers the following topics: Introduction to Graphics, Curves, Transformations, Coordinate Free Geometry, 3D Objects, Camera Models, Visibility, Basic Lighting and Reflection, Basic Ray Tracing, Radiometry and Reflection, Distribution Ray Tracing, Parametric Curves And Surfaces and Animation.


s 126Pages

Introduction to Computer Graphics I

This note covers the following topics: Introduction to Computer Graphics, Coordinate Systems and Transformations , Going Beyond Flat Polygons , Animation, Computer-Human Interaction, Fractals, Scene Graphs and Programming the nVidia Graphics Card.


s NAPages

Computer Vision and Image Processing (David Marshall)

This note covers the following topics: Image Acquisition, Image processing, Edge Detection, Edge Linking, Segmentation, Line Labelling, Relaxation Labelling, Optical Flow and Object Recognition.


s NAPages

Vector Math for 3D Computer Graphics, 3rd Edition

This lecture note covers the following topics: Points and Lines, Vectors, Points, and Column Matrices, Matrix Addition, Vector Addition, Vector Length, Vector Direction, Scaling and Unit Vectors, The Dot Product, Length and the Dot Product, The Angle between Two Vectors, The Angle between 3D Vectors, Projecting one Vector onto Another, Vector Cross Product, Matrices and Simple Matrix Operations, Matrix-Column Matrix Multiplicaton, Matrix-Matrix Multiplication and Identity Matrix and Matrix Inverse.


s NAPages

OpenGL Programming Guide

This guide covers the following topics: State Management and Drawing Geometric Objects, Viewing, Color, Lighting, Blending, Antialiasing, Fog, and Polygon Offset, Display Lists, Drawing Pixels, Bitmaps, Fonts, and Images, Texture Mapping, The Framebuffer, Tessellators and Quadrics.


s NAPages

OpenGL Reference Manual

This is an alphabetical list of the OpenGL functions in this on-line reference.


s NAPages

Graphics Programming Black Book (M. Abrash)

This book is an integration of Michael's previous writings on assembly language and graphics programming. Much of the focus of this book is on profiling and code testing, as well as performance optimization. It also explores much of the technology behind the Doom and Quake 3-D games, and 3-D graphics problems such as texture mapping, hidden surface removal, and the like. Thanks to Michael for making this book available.


s NAPages

Architecture for Combinator Graph Reduction

This book covers the following topics: Development of the TIGRE Method, Implementation of the TIGRE Machine, TIGRE Performance, Architectural Metrics and The Potential of Special-Purpose Hardware.


s NAPages

Simulating Humans Computer Graphics, Animation, and Control (N.I. Badler)

This book is intended for human factors engineers requiring current knowledge of how a computer graphics surrogate human can augment their analyses of designed environments. It will also help inform design engineers of the state-of-the-art in human gure modeling, and hence of the human-centered design central to the emergent notion of Concurrent Engineering. Topics covered includes: Body Modeling, Spatial Interaction, Behavioral Control, Simulation with Societies of Behaviors, Task-Level Specifications and Epilogue.


s 283Pages

C++ GUI Programming with Qt3 (Jasmin Blanchette/Mark Summerfield)

The purpose of this book is to teach you how to write GUI programs using Qt 3. It is assumed that you have a basic knowledge of C++.The code examples use a subset of C++, avoiding many C++ features that are rarely needed when programming Qt.


s 464Pages

Cross Platform GUI Programming with wxWidgets (Julian Smart/Kevin Hock)

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s Pages

Computes First Book of Atari Graphics

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s Pages

Computer Graphics Primer

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s Pages

Encyclopedia of Graphics File Formats

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s Pages

Graph Theory, 3rd Edition (R. Diestel)

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s Pages