This PDF covers the following
topics related to Concurrent Programming : On Concurrent Programming, Hello
World!, The Problem of Concurrent Programming, The Harmony Virtual Machine,
Critical Sections, Peterson’s Algorithm, Harmony Methods and Pointers,
Specification, Spinlock, Lock Implementations, Concurrent Data Structures,
Fine-Grained Locking, Testing: Checking Behaviors, Debugging, Conditional
Waiting, Reader/Writer Locks, Bounded Buffer, Split Binary Semaphores,
Starvation, Monitors, Deadlock, Actors and Message Passing, Barrier
Synchronization, Interrupts, Non-Blocking Synchronization, Alternating Bit
Protocol, Leader Election, Transactions and Two Phase Commit, Chain Replication,
Working with Actions, Replicated Atomic Read/Write Register, Distributed
Consensus, Paxos, Needham-Schroeder Authentication Protocol.
Author(s): Robbert van Renesse