Computer Science BooksComputer Architecture Books

Computer Architecture by University of Oslo

Computer Architecture by University of Oslo

Computer Architecture by University of Oslo

This note covers the following topics: Basics of computer architecture, Introduction to Digital Electronics, Binary Numbers, Boolean Algebra, Combinational Logic Circuits, Sequential Logic Circuits, Von Neumann Architecture, Optimizing Hardware Performance, Low-level programming, Programming in C, Character encodings, Assembly programming.


s112 Pages
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Computer Organization and Architecture Notes

This note covers computer organization and instructions, Arithmetic, The processor, Memory and input output Organization and advanced computer architecture.

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Computer Organization And Architecture

Computer Organization And Architecture

This PDF describes the following topics related to Computer Architecture : Structure Of Computers, Generations Of A Computer, First Generation, Classification Digital Computer Based On Size And Capability, Classification Based On Number Of Microprocessors, Functional Unit , Basic Operational Concepts, The Von Neumann Architecture , Bus Structures, Comparison Between RISC And CISC, Multiprocessors And Multicomputer, Basic Computer Organization And Design, Algorithm.

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Computer Architecture A Synthesis

Computer Architecture A Synthesis

This PDF covers the following topics related to Computer Architecture : Introduction, Instruction Set Architecture, Computer Arithmetic, Control unit, Processor Design: S1 a simple CPU, Pipeline, Instruction Level Parallelism, Vector machines, Memory System Design, Magnetic Disk, Future architecture.

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Computer Architecture Lecture Notes by Seoul National University

Computer Architecture Lecture Notes by Seoul National University

This note covers the follolwing topics: MIPS Instruction Set Architecture, Basics of Datapath, Single-Cycle Implementation, Multi-cycle Implementation, Pipelined Data path and Control, Datapath and Control for Data and Control Hazards, Exception Handling and Advanced Pipelining, Memory Hierarchy, Virtual Memory, Storage and Other I/O , Multiprocessors, Arithmetic Circuits, Basic Computing Concept and Instruction Level Parallelism.

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Computer System Architecture Lecture Notes

Computer System Architecture Lecture Notes

This note contains the study of the evolution of computer architecture and the factors influencing the design of hardware and software elements of computer systems. Topics covered includes: instruction set design, processor micro-architecture and pipelining, cache and virtual memory organizations, protection and sharing, I/O and interrupts, in-order and out-of-order superscalar architectures, VLIW machines, vector supercomputers, multithreaded architectures, symmetric multiprocessors, and parallel computers.

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ComputerStructures Principles and Examples (by Daniel P. Siewiorek, C. Gordon Bell,Allen Newell)

ComputerStructures Principles and Examples (by Daniel P. Siewiorek, C. Gordon Bell,Allen Newell)

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Computer Architecture Tutorial

Computer Architecture Tutorial

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Designing Computers and Digital Systems

Designing Computers and Digital Systems

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