The Harmony Virtual Machine:
Principles and Practice of Concurrent Programming This comprehensive guide
develops the principles and practice of concurrent programming with the Harmony
Virtual Machine. This comprehensive reference guide discusses key ideas such as
critical sections and problems in concurrent programming. It helps readers learn
about Peterson's algorithm for mutual exclusion, various locking mechanisms, and
concurrent data structures. The text also explains advanced synchronization
techniques, such as conditional waiting, reader/writer locks, and monitors. In
addition, this book includes deadlock and starvation concepts. It talks about
distributed systems with consensus algorithms such as Paxos and the protocols
used for authentication, such as Needham-Schroeder. Material is structured to
support theoretical understanding and practical application, making this text
useful for both students and practitioners in concurrent programming.
The Harmony Virtual Machine:
Principles and Practice of Concurrent Programming This comprehensive guide
develops the principles and practice of concurrent programming with the Harmony
Virtual Machine. This comprehensive reference guide discusses key ideas such as
critical sections and problems in concurrent programming. It helps readers learn
about Peterson's algorithm for mutual exclusion, various locking mechanisms, and
concurrent data structures. The text also explains advanced synchronization
techniques, such as conditional waiting, reader/writer locks, and monitors. In
addition, this book includes deadlock and starvation concepts. It talks about
distributed systems with consensus algorithms such as Paxos and the protocols
used for authentication, such as Needham-Schroeder. Material is structured to
support theoretical understanding and practical application, making this text
useful for both students and practitioners in concurrent programming.
These notes provide a detailed expositions on advanced topics in
concurrent programming; these are focused both on theoretical foundations as
well as on practical applications of shared-variable programming. Among the
various aspects treated are mutual exclusion techniques (such as Petersen's
algorithm) and, of course, synchronization methods such as semaphores and
monitors. The introduction of paradigms in distributed programming is also
covered by means of remote procedure calls (RPC), as well as transactional
memory, among other things. The module covers the proof outline logic of
concurrent programs that allow for a rigorous approach toward understanding the
correctness of concurrent systems. As graduate-level study notes perfect for
anyone interested in comprehending concurrency in software development at a
deeper level than usual, they provide an excellent approach toward understanding
the reasoning of designs and also toward verifying critical properties in
concurrent systems.