Computer Science BooksComputer Science Books

Foundations of Computer Science by Lawrence C Paulson

Foundations of Computer Science by Lawrence C Paulson

Foundations of Computer Science by Lawrence C Paulson

This note has two objectives. First is to teach programming. Second is to present some fundamental principles of computer science, especially algorithm design. Major topics covered includes: Recursive Functions, O Notation: Estimating Costs in the Limit, Lists, Sorting, Datatypes and Trees, Dictionaries and Functional Arrays, Queues and Search Strategies, Functions as Values, List Functionals, Polynomial Arithmetic, Sequences, or Lazy Lists, Elements of Procedural Programming, and Linked Data Structures.


s155 Pages
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Introduction to Theoretical Computer Science

Introduction to Theoretical Computer Science

This note covers Mathematical background, Computation and representation, Finite computation, Uniform computation, Efficient algorithms, Randomized computation and advanced topics.

s656 Pages
Overview of Computer Science

Overview of Computer Science

This Book contains following topics: Algorithm, Data Representation, Logic, Machine Organization, Moore’s Law, Computer Security, Computer science, Numbers and counting, Algorithmic Complexity, Software Development, Python references and Examples Python problems.

s238 Pages
Mathematics for Computer Science

Mathematics for Computer Science

This PDF covers the following topics related to Computer Science :Intro to Proofs, Well Ordering Principle, Logical Formulas, Mathematical Data Types, Induction, Recursive Data Types, Infinite Sets, Number Theory, Directed Graphs and Partial Orders, Communication Networks, Simple Graphs, Planar Graphs, Sums and Asymptotics, Cardinality Rules, Generating Functions, Events and Probability Spaces, Conditional Probability, Random Variables, Deviation From the Mean, Random Walks.

s427 Pages
Computer Science by Dr. Chris Bourke

Computer Science by Dr. Chris Bourke

The PDF covers the following topics related to Computer Science : Introduction, Basics, Conditionals, Loops, Functions, Error Handling, Arrays, Collections and Dynamic Memory, Strings, File Input/Output, Encapsulation and Objects, Recursion, Searching and Sorting, Graphical User Interfaces and Event Driven Programming, Introduction to Databases and Database Connectivity, Basics, Conditionals, Loops, Functions, Error Handling, Arrays, Strings, File I/O, Structures, Recursion, Searching and Sorting, The Java Programming Language, Conditionals, Loops, Methods, Error Handling and Exceptions, Arrays, Strings , File Input, Objects, Searching and Sorting, etc.

s647 Pages
Logic for Computer Science

Logic for Computer Science

The PDF covers the following topics related to Computer Science : Introduction to Logics, Propositional Calculus, Predicate Calculus, Applications of Predicate Calculus, Automated Deduction in Propositional Calculus, Automated Deduction in Predicate Calculus, Second-Order Logic, Second-Order Quantifier Elimination, Modal Logics, Temporal Logic, Logics of Programs, Fixpoint Calculus, Rough Concepts.

s125 Pages
Introduction To Computer System by Tilak Maharashtra Vidyapeeth

Introduction To Computer System by Tilak Maharashtra Vidyapeeth

This note covers the following topics: Components of a Computer System, Input Devices and Output Devices, PrimaryStorage and Secondary Storage Devices, Number Systems, Boolean algebra and Logic Circuits, Computer Software, Programming Languages and Program Development, Popular Operating System.

s109 Pages