Functional Programming Lecture Notes by David Walker
Functional Programming Lecture Notes by David Walker
Functional Programming Lecture Notes by David Walker
This note covers the following topics: O'Caml, Simple Data, Thinking
Recursively, Poly-HO: Polymorphism and Higher-Order Programming, Pipelines,
Datatypes, The Functional Evaluation Model, Functional Space Model, Equational
Reasoning, Modules and Functors, Modular Reasoning, Mutable Data Structures and
Imperative Interfaces, Threads, Locks and Mutable Data, Parallel Complexity
Model, Parallel Scans and Filters.
This note the following
topics: syntax and semantics, Polymorphic
functions and iteration, Lists, Constructor types, Trees and linearization,
Parsing, Mini OCaml interpreter, Running time, Inductive correctness proofs,
Arrays and data structures.
This note covers the following topics: O'Caml, Simple Data, Thinking
Recursively, Poly-HO: Polymorphism and Higher-Order Programming, Pipelines,
Datatypes, The Functional Evaluation Model, Functional Space Model, Equational
Reasoning, Modules and Functors, Modular Reasoning, Mutable Data Structures and
Imperative Interfaces, Threads, Locks and Mutable Data, Parallel Complexity
Model, Parallel Scans and Filters.
This note covers the
following topics: Lambda calculus, Lambda calculus as a programming language,
Types, A taste of ML, Proving programs correct, Effective ML.
This note explains the
fundamental programming concepts such as recursion, abstraction, higher-order
functions and data types, whilst at the same time emphasizing the practical use
of such constructs by applying them within a graphical environment.