Computer Science BooksComputer Science Books

Introduction to Computer Science

Introduction to Computer Science

Introduction to Computer Science

This note covers the following topics: Computing: The Functional Way, Computing Tool, Algorithms: Design and Refinement, Technical Completeness and Algorithms, Introducing Reals, Correctness, Termination and Complexity, Compound Data, Higher Order Functions and Structured Data, Imperative Programming.


s710 Pages
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Introduction to Theoretical Computer Science

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Logic for Computer Science Lecture Notes

Logic for Computer Science Lecture Notes

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General computer science Lecture notes

General computer science Lecture notes

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CS Unplugged

CS Unplugged

This PDF covers the following topics related to Computer Science : Data the raw material—Representing information, Putting Computers to Work—Algorithms, Telling Computers What To Do—Representing Procedures, Really hard problems—Intractability, Sharing secrets and fighting crime-Cryptography, The human face of computing-Interacting with computers.

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Computer Science by Dr. Chris Bourke

Computer Science by Dr. Chris Bourke

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Introduction To Computer System by Tilak Maharashtra Vidyapeeth

Introduction To Computer System by Tilak Maharashtra Vidyapeeth

This note covers the following topics: Components of a Computer System, Input Devices and Output Devices, PrimaryStorage and Secondary Storage Devices, Number Systems, Boolean algebra and Logic Circuits, Computer Software, Programming Languages and Program Development, Popular Operating System.

s109 Pages