This note
covers the following topics: Introduction to programming, Use of objects and
variables, Definition of methods and classes, Primitive data types, Conditional
statements, Loop statements, Arrays and matrices, Files and input/output
streams, Program errors and exception handling, Recursion, Dynamic arrays and
linked lists.
This PDF Programming Fundamentals covers the following topics
related to Programing Theory : Introduction to Programming Systems, Data and
Operators, Functions, Conditions, Loops, Arrays, Strings and Files,
Object-Oriented Programming.
Author(s): Kenneth Leroy Busbee, Dave
This note covers the following
topics: Sphere Packing and Shannon’s Theorem, Linear Codes, Hamming Codes,
Generalized Reed-Solomon Codes, Modifying Codes, Codes over Subfields, Cyclic
Codes, Weight and Distance Enumeration.