Computer Science BooksOOD OOP Books

Object Oriented Programming by University of KwaZulu Natal

Object Oriented Programming by University of KwaZulu Natal

Object Oriented Programming by University of KwaZulu Natal

This note explains the following topics: The Practice of Programming, Tools for Working with Abstractions, Inheritance, Polymorphism, and Abstract Classes, Interfaces, Nested Classes, and Other Details, Graphical User Interfaces in JAVA, Generic Programming, Correctness and Robustness.


s221 Pages
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Object Oriented Programming by University of KwaZulu Natal

Object Oriented Programming by University of KwaZulu Natal

This note explains the following topics: The Practice of Programming, Tools for Working with Abstractions, Inheritance, Polymorphism, and Abstract Classes, Interfaces, Nested Classes, and Other Details, Graphical User Interfaces in JAVA, Generic Programming, Correctness and Robustness.

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Object oriented programming and design

Object oriented programming and design

This course note continues the development of programming and problem-solving skills, focusing on object-oriented programming and design (OOP/OOD), and improved programming practices. Topics include: an introduction to the Java programming language, encapsulation and information hiding, proper program and class design, inheritance, polymorphism, and generics. Other topics may be added, time permitting.

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