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General Law Books


General Law Books

There are many downloadable free General Law books, available in our collection of books. Which are available in the form of PDF, Online Textbooks, eBooks and lecture notes. These books cover basics, beginner, and advanced concepts and also those who looking for introduction to the same.

Introduction To Law And Legal Reasoning

This book explains the following topics: Courts And Alternative Dispute Resolution, Court Procedures, Constitutional Authority To Regulate Business, Torts And Strict Liability, : Intellectual Property And Computer Law, Criminal Law And Procedures, Agreement, Genuineness Of Assent, Legality And Statute Of Frauds, Third Party Rights, Breach Of Contract And Remedies, Agency Formation And Duties, Liability To Third Parties And Termination.


s 137Pages

General Principles of Law

This note contains Introduction to law, Constitutional Law and Administrative Law, Indian Judicial and Legal System, Dispute Settlement: The Role of ADR, ODR and Peaceful Settlements of Disputes, Interface Between Law and Technology, Legal Research Methodology and Project Writing Techniques.


s 254Pages

Jurisprudence, Interpretation and General Laws

This PDF covers the following topics related to General Law and aims to provide understanding and working knowledge of sources of law, Constitution, legislative environment, interpretation of statutes and general laws. The topics covered are as follows : Sources of Law, Constitution of India, Interpretation of Statutes, General Clauses Act, 1897, Administrative Laws, Law of Torts, Limitation Act, 1963, Civil Procedure Code, 1908, Indian Penal Code, 1860 , Criminal Procedure Code, 1973 , Indian Evidence Act, 1872, Special Courts, Tribunals under Companies Act & Other Legislations , Arbitration and Conciliation Act, 1996, Indian Stamp Act, 1899, Registration Act, 1908: Registration of Documents , Right to Information Act, 2005, Information Technology Act, 2000.


s 457Pages

General Acts and Rules India

This guide covers the following topics: Constitution of India, The Constitution (Ninety-Ninth Amendment) Act: 2014, The Contempt of Courts Act: 1971,Judicial Officers Protection Act: 1850, The Judges Inquiry Act: 1968, The Delhi High Court Act, The National Judicial Appointments Commission Act: 2014.


s NAPages

Basic Law of Saudi Arabia

The Basic Law of Saudi Arabia is a constitution-like charter divided into nine chapters, consisting of 83 articles. The Basic Law is in accordance with the Wahhabi understanding of Sharia and does not override Islamic laws.


s NAPages

Introduction to Law

This note has been designed to develop among learners an insight into various legal processes and practices.This would sensitize the learners to the socioeconomic, political legal, ethical and moral values emerging national and global concerns so as to enable them to become law abiding, responsible citizens and agent of democratic governance.


s NAPages

Great jurists of the world

The Lives and Works of Eminent Jurists From the Last Two Thousand Years. Written by a team of eminent scholars under the auspices of the Association of American Law Schools, this highly readable book covers the lives and chief works of selected eminent Classical, Continental and English jurists including Gaius, Papinian, Ulpian, Bartolus, Alciati, Cujas, Gentili, Hugo Grotius, Selden, Hobbes, Zouche, Pufendorf, Vico, Bynkershoek, Montesquieu, Pothier, Vattel, Beccaria, Bentham, Mittermaier, Savigny and Jhering.


s 688Pages