
Free Law Books

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Law Books

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Recently Added Law Books

Administrative Law by DR D Umamaheswari

This note covers the topics Introduction to Administrative Law, Delegated Legislation, Procedural Fairness and Judicial Review, Ombudsman, Lokpal, Lokayukta and Central Vigilance Commision, Administrative Tribunals and Public Undertaking.

s164 Pages

Administrative by Law by University of Delhi

This Lecture note contains these following topics starting with Nature and Scope of Administrative Law, Delegated Legislation, Administrative Discretion, Principles of Natural Justice, Judicial Review, Right to Information, Tribunals, – Commissions of Inquiry and Central Vigilance Commission, Regulatory Agencies and Redressal of Complaints against the administration: The Institution of Ombudsman.

s360 Pages

The Code Of Civil Procedure, 1908

This note is expedient to consolidate and amend the laws relating to the procedure of the Courts of Civil Judicature.

s269 Pages

The European Rules of Civil Procedure

This book covers the following topics: General Provisions, Parties, Case Management, Commencement Of Proceedings, Proceedings Preparatory To A Final Hearing, – Service And Due Notice Of Proceedings, Access To Information And Evidence, Judgment, Res Judicata And Lis Pendens .

s91 Pages

Concept based notes Commercial Law

This note covers some important short questions, Meaning and essentials of contract, Proposal and acceptance, Capacity to contract, Free consent, Consideration, Void agreement, Remedies of breach of contract, Indemnity and guarantee, Disputes redressal agencies the district forum, Introduction to partnership and dissolution of firm.

s66 Pages

Commercial Code

This book tells a set of laws that regulates and facilitates commercial transactions and provides the Act to provide for the constitution of Commercial Courts, Commercial Division.

s307 Pages

Principles of Indian Constitutional law and Legislative Functioning

This note covers fundamentals of Indian Constitution with special reference to Parliamentary and Presidential form of Government, Executive responsibility to Legislature vis a vis legislative control over executive, Control through deliberation and discussion, Control through various Parliamentary devices, Financial accountability or Control on Public finance by legislature, Legislature committee system, Law making process and parliamentary privileges.

s78 Pages

Constitutional Law by National Open University of Nigeria

This Book covers definition and scope of constitutional law and traditional constitutional concept, Sources of a constitution, Federalism, Separation of Powers, The rule of law, Classification of Constitutions, Systems of government, Constitutional supremacy, Parliamentary supremacy, Constitutional development of Nigeria, Constitutional development, Constitutional development in Nigeria: 1979 to Date.

s90 Pages

Lecture Notes on Criminal Law

This lecture note covers introduction to criminal law, Basic principles of criminal law, Jurisdiction of the ethiopian criminal code, Conditions of criminal liability, Degrees in the commission of crime and participation in the commission of crime.

s286 Pages

Study Material For Law Of Crimes I

This study material is prepared for the sole purpose of guiding the students in preparation for their examinations. Topics covered includes Crime And Its Meaning, Offences Against Human Body, Kidnapping And Abduction.

s127 Pages

Equity and Trusts Notes

This note covers introduction to equity, Introduction to trusts, The three certaintie, Formalities, Constitution, Purpose trusts, Unincorporated associations, Secret trusts, Charitable trusts, Resulting and consulting trusts, Trusts for family home, Duties and powers, Fiduciary, Tracing, Equitable remedies and liability of strangers.

s46 Pages

Equity and Trust Law by University of Southampton law School

This book navigates the foundational aspects of trusts certainty of intention, beneficiaries, and subject matter, from breach of trust to constructive trusts and trustees duties, it examines intricate scenarios and ethical dilemmas, exploring tracing, charities, and restitution, it offers diverse perspectives on rectifying injustices within legal constructs.

s112 Pages

Family Law by University of Delhi

This note covers marriage under Hindu Law, Matrimonial Remedies under Hindu Law, Maintenance under Hindu Law, Adoption, Minority and Guardianship under Hindu Law, Sources and Schools of Muslim Law, Marriage under Muslim law, Divorce under Muslim law and maintenance under Muslim law.

s303 Pages

Family Law Notes

This note covers the following topics: Marriage, Cohabitees, Registered partnership, Parents and children, Administrators and special representatives, Death, Advice and other assistance.

s61 Pages

Introduction To Law And Legal Reasoning

This book explains the following topics: Courts And Alternative Dispute Resolution, Court Procedures, Constitutional Authority To Regulate Business, Torts And Strict Liability, : Intellectual Property And Computer Law, Criminal Law And Procedures, Agreement, Genuineness Of Assent, Legality And Statute Of Frauds, Third Party Rights, Breach Of Contract And Remedies, Agency Formation And Duties, Liability To Third Parties And Termination.

s137 Pages

General Principles of Law

This note contains Introduction to law, Constitutional Law and Administrative Law, Indian Judicial and Legal System, Dispute Settlement: The Role of ADR, ODR and Peaceful Settlements of Disputes, Interface Between Law and Technology, Legal Research Methodology and Project Writing Techniques.

s254 Pages

International Business Laws

The purpose of this book is to give an overview about the legal environment and the intricacies involved in international trade.

s317 Pages

Study Material For Public International Law

This PDF covers the following topics related to International Law and includes the study of general principles of international law including law of Peace. Third world concerns in respect of security and development and the role of U.N. and International Agencies in structuring solutions in the context of changing balance of powers are also to be appreciated. The course content are : Nature, definition, origin and basis of International Law; Sources of International Law, Relationship between Municipal and International Law, Subjects of International Law, States as subjects of International Law, States in general, Recognition, State territorial sovereignty, State Jurisdiction, Law of the sea, State Responsibility, Succession to rights and Obligations, State and Individual - Extradition, Asylum and Nationality, the agents of international business, diplomatic envoys, consuls and other representatives, the law and practice as to treaties, The United Nations Organization - Principal organs and their functions, World Trade Organization- Main features, International Labour Organization.

s143 Pages

Advanced Labour Laws

This note covers introduction, Law relating to working conditions, Law relating to monetary benefits, Law relating to industrial relations and law relating to social security.

s183 Pages

Employment and Labor Law

This book covers introduction, Individual Employment Relation, Special Categories of Employees, V Legally stipulated minimum working conditions, Collective bargaining & Collective agreement and Dispute settlement mechanisms.

s248 Pages

Property Law and Easement

This note covers concepts, Meaning and types of properties, Transfer of property by act of parties, General principles relating to transfer of property, General principles relating to transfer of immovable property, Sales and exchanges, Mortgages, Leases, Gift and transfers of actionable claims, Law of easements and law of licenses.

s74 Pages

Property Law by University of Delhi

This note include the topics like movable or Immovable Property, attestation, Meaning of Transfer of Property, What Kind of Property can be transferred, Conditional transfer, Transfer for the benefit of unborn persons, Vested and Contingent interests, Transfer during pendency of litigation, Mortgage, Lease and License.

s204 Pages

The interaction of Law and Religion

This lecture note contains introduction, Religious, Dimensions of Law, The Influence of Christianity on the Development of Western Law, Law as a Dimension of Religion, Beyond Law and Beyond Religion.

s98 Pages

Introduction to Islamic Law by Shahzado Shaikh

This PDF covers the following topics related Religious Law and seeks to introduce core textual, theological , and legal components, along with historical impact, while examining different phases, through its sources and methodologies, leading to development of schools of opinions and legal theories. The course will examine texts, history and current issues in Islamic Law and its enforcement and will also study principles, concepts and terminology of Islamic Jurisprudence and Muslim Law, introduce some aspects of Islamic law pertaining to substantive areas, like constitutional, commercial, international, and criminal laws and some specific areas like marriage, divorce, child custody, succession and wills. These areas will be examined with reference to the law of the land and some cases discussed in US courts in the context of Islamic Law.

s58 Pages

Law of Torts Including Motor Vehicles Accidents and Consumer Protection Laws

This note covers introduction, Definition, Nature and Scope, Defences against Tortious Liability, Liability at Common Law and Statutory Law, Nervous Shock, Remoteness of Damage, No Fault Liability Strict and Absolute Liability, Vicarious Liability of the State, Defamation and Consumer Protection Laws.

s284 Pages

Law of Torts and Consumer Protection

This lecture note covers Introduction and Principles of Liability in Tort, Specific Torts-I, Specific Torts-II and the Consumer Protection Act.

s60 Pages